OP 122-57


Quiz on OP 122-57, created by Juan Jose Garcia Bellot on 02/06/2018.
Juan Jose Garcia Bellot
Quiz by Juan Jose Garcia Bellot, updated more than 1 year ago
Juan Jose Garcia Bellot
Created by Juan Jose Garcia Bellot over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

122) The validity period of a flight track system organized in MNPS (Minimum Navigation Performance Specification) airspace during a Westbound flight normally is :
  • 00H00 UTC to 08H00 UTC
  • 11H30 UTC to 19H00 UTC
  • 10H30 UTC to 19H00 UTC
  • 01H00 UTC to 08H00 UTC

Question 2

129) You plan to fly from point A (60°N 010°E) to point B (60°N 020°E). The gyro North of the gyro compass, assumed to be operating perfectly, with no rate correction device, is aligned with the true North of point A. The constant gyro heading to be followed when starting from A given that the flight time scheduled is 1h30 min with a zero wind, is equal to :
  • 076°.
  • 080°.
  • 066°
  • 085°.

Question 3

94) During a transoceanic and polar flight, the transport precession is the rotation in degrees of the gyro North with respect to the:
  • magnetic North
  • compass North
  • true North
  • grid North

Question 4

113) If a flight is planned to operate along the whole length of one of the organised tracks, the intended organised track should be defined in items of the FPL by :
  • using the abbreviation "OTS" followed by the code letter assigned to the track.
  • inserting coordinates defining significant points with intervals of 10° of longitude.
  • the abbreviation "NAT" followed by the code letter assigned to the track.
  • inserting coordinates as detailed in the NAT track message.

Question 5

96) (For this question use annex 071-2070A) On the diagram where : Nt = True North Nm = Magnetic North Ng = Grid North If the magnetic variation is equal to 65°W and if the grid variation is equal to 4°E, the correct arrangement of the different north is :
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4

Question 6

At 18h40min UTC, a complete failure of the inertial systems of an aircraft flying on the LONDONANCHORAGE line occurs in the geographic North pole region. The wind is nil, the grid heading at this moment is 315°. The crew then uses the Sun to continue the flight. The bearing of the Sun on occurence of the failure is : NOTE: The time equation is nil. The chart used is a polar stereographic chart whose grid is parallel with the zero meridian, the Grid North is in direction of the geographic North pole.
  • 000°
  • 325°.
  • 035°.
  • 180°.

Question 7

105) The frequency designated for VHF air to air communications when out of range of VHF ground stations in NAT region is :
  • 243 MHz.
  • 118.5 MHz.
  • 131.8 MHz
  • 121.5 MHz.

Question 8

102) Astronomic precession :
  • is zero at the South pole
  • causes the gyro axis to spin to the left in the southern hemisphere
  • causes the gyro axis to spin to the right in the Southern hemisphere
  • is zero at the North pole

Question 9

During a flight to Europe, scheduled in MNPS (Minimum Navigation Performance Specification) airspace, you expect to cross the 30°W meridian at 1000 UTC ; you will normally be :
  • out of the organised route system.
  • in random airspace.
  • in a day flight route system.
  • in a night flight route system.

Question 10

Astronomic precession :
  • causes the gyro axis to spin to the right in the Northern hemisphere
  • causes the gyro axis to spin to the left in the Northern hemisphere
  • is zero at the North pole
  • is zero at the South pole

Question 11

The minimum navigation equipment required for an aircraft flying without restriction in MNPS airspace can be at the very least :
  • Two inertial navigation units and a DECCA.
  • Three inertial navigation units.
  • One inertial navigation unit
  • Two inertial navigation units.

Question 12

Arriving at the point of entry into MNPS (Minimum Navigation Performance Specification) airspace over the North Atlantic and not having yet received the oceanic clearance, the crew :
  • carries out a holding pattern
  • returns to base immediately
  • keeps flying in accordance with the air-filed flight plan
  • keeps flying deviating its course by 30 nautical miles from that of the air-filed flight plan

Question 13

146) The minimum lateral separation in the NAT region is:
  • 60 NM between aircraft flying above FL285
  • 60 NM between aircraft operating below MNPS airspace.
  • 90 NM between aircraft flying above FL285.
  • 90 NM between all aircraft flying in the NAT region.

Question 14

) If both precision navigation systems of an aircraft are unserviceable during a flight in MNPS airspace, and if you cannot establish communication with the air traffic control, you :
  • take an intermediate flight level
  • descend below the MNPS space
  • return to departure airport
  • land at the nearest airport

Question 15

151) In a polar Antarctic regions, the pilot uses a South polar stereographic chart whose printed over grid is parallel with the zero meridian and Grid North in the direction of geographic North along this meridian. The aircraft position is 80°S 130°E, its true route is 110°, the grid route at this moment is
  • 060°
  • 110°.
  • 340°
  • 240°

Question 16

25) A pilot is using a polar stereographic chart whose grid is parallel to the zero meridian, with Grid North in the direction of the North geographic pole. In polar regions, the pilot stops navigation in free-gyro mode after leaving the 6 microteslas zone, and the grid heading controlled by information from the inertial navigation system (INS) is 045°. After switching to "magnetic mode", the compass heading is 220°. The INS position at this moment is 76°N 180°W. The magnetic variation on the chart is 10°E. The compass shift on this heading at this point in time is:
  • +15°.
  • -5°
  • +5°
  • -15°

Question 17

The MNPS (Minimum Navigation Performance Specification) airspace extends from
  • 30° North to 90° North.
  • 27° North to 70° North.
  • 30° North to 70° North.
  • 27° North to 90° North.

Question 18

23) During the flight of two aircraft in MNPS airspace with a leading aircraft flying at higher speed, the longitudinal spacing must be at least :
  • 20 minutes
  • 5 minutes
  • 10 minutes
  • 15 minutes

Question 19

3) During a flight to Europe, planned in MNPS (Minimum Navigation Performance Specification) airspace, you expect to cross the 30°W meridian at 11H00 UTC ; you will then normally be :
  • in a random space
  • out of the organized flight track system.
  • within the organized daytime flight track system.
  • within the organized night-time flight track system.

Question 20

12) The MNPS (Minimum Navigation Performance Specification) airspace extends vertically between flight levels:
  • 280 and 400
  • 280 and 390
  • 275 and 400
  • 285 and 420.

Question 21

In the event of a contingency which required an en-route diversion to an alternate aerodrome across the direction of the prevailing "NAT" traffic flow and if prior ATC clearance cannot be obtained an aircraft not able to maintain its assigned flight level should:
  • A Start its descent while turning to acquire a track separated by 60 NM from its assigned route or track.
  • Start its descent while turning to acquire a track separated by 90 NM from its assigned route or track.
  • Descend below FL275
  • Start its descent while turning to acquire a track separated by 30 NM from its assigned route or track.

Question 22

46) In the event of a contingency which required an en-route diversion to an alternate aerodrome across the direction of the prevailing "NAT" traffic flow and if prior ATC clearance cannot be obtained an aircraft able to maintain its assigned flight level should:
  • If at FL410, climb 500 ft, while turning towards the alternate aerodrome.
  • If at FL410, climb or descend 500 ft, while turning towards the alternate aerodrome.
  • If at FL410, descend 1000 ft, while turning towards the alternate aerodrome.
  • If at FL410, climb 1000 ft or descend 500 ft, while turning towards the alternate aerodrome.

Question 23

24) Which errors in "estimates" minutes shall be reported by aircraft overflying the North Atlantic?
  • 2 or more.
  • 3 or more.
  • 5 or more.
  • 10 or more.

Question 24

20) The ascent or descent through MNPS (Minimum Navigation Performance Specification) airspace of a non MNPS certified aircraft is :
  • forbidden in all cases
  • authorized when the aircraft has two precision navigation systems
  • authorized only if the aircraft is in radio contact with the aircraft present in this space
  • authorized under radar control if the aircraft is in VHF contact with the MNPS controller

Question 25

18) The minimum lateral spacing to be maintained between aircraft flying in MNPS airspace is :
  • 30 NM.
  • 90 NM.
  • 120 NM.
  • 60 NM.

Question 26

Which separation will be provided if Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM) is used when operating in MNPS airspace?
  • 60 NM lateral and 500 ft vertical.
  • 90 NM lateral and 500 ft vertical.
  • 60 NM lateral and 1000 ft vertical.
  • 90 NM lateral and 1000 ft vertical.

Question 27

69) The chart in question is of the polar stereographic type with its grid parallel to the zero meridian, and Grid North in the direction of the North geographic pole. The gyro does not comprise a rate correction device. The gyro-magnetic compass of an aircraft standing at an aerodrome located at 59°57'N 010°30'E is switched to free gyro mode at 14.00 UTC, with gyro North being aligned with Grid North and the gyro heading reading 120°. A technical problem delays take off until 16.30 UTC. The gyro, whose mechanical precession is zero, was not reset prior to take off. The err
  • +32.5°.
  • +13°.
  • +73.5°.
  • -32.5°

Question 28

73) A check on the operation of the SELCAL equipment during a transatlantic flight using the OTS (Organised Track System) must be done :
  • Prior entering the NAT region.
  • As soon as possible after entering the NAT region.
  • When crossing the oceanic airspace boundary.
  • At or prior entering the NAT region.

Question 29

82) MNPS is the abbreviation for:
  • Minimum Navigation Performance Specification.
  • Maximum North-atlantic Precision System
  • Military Network Performance Structure
  • Minimum Navigation Positioning System.

Question 30

Minimum Navigation Performance Specification (MNPS) airspace of the North Atlantic is comprised within :
  • sea level and FL660 from North parallel 27 to the pole
  • flight levels 280 and 475 from North parallel 27 to the pole
  • flight levels 285 and 420 from the North parallel 27 to the pole
  • flight levels 270 and 400 from the equator to the pole
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