operational procedures


Quiz on operational procedures, created by Alberto Carrillo Cañon on 13/06/2018.
Alberto Carrillo Cañon
Quiz by Alberto Carrillo Cañon, updated more than 1 year ago
Alberto Carrillo Cañon
Created by Alberto Carrillo Cañon over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

When the weather conditions require an alternate aerodrome to be available on take-off, the latter shall be located, for a twin-engined aircraft, at an equivalent distance not exceeding :
  • 1 hour of flight at cruising speed with two engines
  • 2 hours of flight at cruising speed with single engine
  • 2 hours of flight at cruising speed with two engines
  • 1 hour of flight at cruising speed with a single engine

Question 2

When refueling is being performed while passengers are boarding or disembarking the aircraft, it is necessary that: (Annex 6, Part I)
  • Communications be maintained between ground personnel and qualified personnel on board.
  • The aircraft's stairs be completely extended.
  • Refueling is prohibited while passengers are boarding and/or disembarking.
  • All the flight crew be on board.

Question 3

In the JAR OPS, a runway is considered damp when:
  • surface moisture gives it a shiny appearance.
  • it is covered with a film of water of less than 3 mm.
  • it is covered with a film of water of less than 1 mm.
  • its surface is not dry, and when surface moisture does not give it a shiny appearance.

Question 4

The JAR-OPS is based on :
  • The Federal Aviation Requirements (FAR)
  • A JAA guideline
  • ICAO Appendix 6
  • The air transport rules

Question 5

Flight data recorders must keep the data and parameters recorded during at least the last :
  • flight.
  • 48 hours of operation.
  • 25 hours of operation.
  • 30 hours of operation.

Question 6

If obliged to jettison part of the fuel in flight, it would be better to do so:
  • under flight level 50 (FL50).
  • during final phase of approach.
  • in a straight line and at a relatively high flight level.
  • in a holding stack, after control clearance.

Question 7

The regulatory green navigation light is located on the starboard wing tip, with a coverage angle of :
  • 110°.
  • 140°.
  • 70°.
  • 220°.

Question 8

Aircraft using a VFR flight plan in controlled airspace shall be equipped: (Annex 6, Part I)
  • Only as is necessary for aircraft that make VFR flights.
  • With more anti-icing and/or de-icing devices (if one expects icy conditions).
  • As is necessary for aircraft that make VFR flights, and such aircraft must also possess indicators of attitude and course, along with a precise barometric altimeter.
  • As is necessary for aircraft that operate in accordance with instrument flight rules.

Question 9

Information concerning evacuation procedures can be found in the :
  • operational flight plan.
  • operation manual.
  • flight manual.
  • journey logbook.

Question 10

According to the JAR-OPS regulations, an IFR flight with no alternate airfield can be undertaken only if the minimum weather conditions stipulated in the regulations are effective for at least :
  • 3 hours before to at least 1 hour after the expected time of arrival
  • 3 hours before to at least 3 hours after the expected time of arrival
  • 1 hour before to at least 1 hour after the expected time of arrival
  • 2 hours before to at least 2 hours after the expected time of arrival

Question 11

The Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL) defines the equipment on which certain in-flight failures can be allowed and the conditions under which this allowance can be accepted. This MMEL is drawn up by :
  • the operator from a main list drawn up by the manufacturer
  • the manufacturer and approved by the certification authority
  • the operator and is specified in the operation manual
  • the operator and approved by the certification authority

Question 12

The Minimum Equipment List (MEL) defines the equipment on which certain in-flight failures can be allowed and the conditions under which this allowance can be accepted . The Mel is drawn up by :
  • the operator and may be less restrictive than the Master Minimum equipment List (MMEL)
  • the manufacturer and may be more restrictive than the Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL)
  • the operator and may be more restrictive than the Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL)
  • the manufacturer and may be less restrictive than the Master Minimum equipment List (MMEL)

Question 13

A category III C precision approach (CAT III C) is an approach with :
  • no runway visual range limits
  • a runway visual range of at least 50 m
  • a runway visual range of at least 200 m
  • a runway visual range of at least 350 m

Question 14

A category III A precision approach (CAT III A) is an approach which may be carried out with a runway visual range of at least :
  • 200 m
  • 100 m
  • 250 m
  • 50 m

Question 15

For twin-engined aircraft, the take-off alternate shall be located at a distance that : (Annex 6, Part I)
  • Does not exceed the equivalent of two hours of flight time, at cruising speed with only one engine operative.
  • Does not exceed the equivalent of one hour of flight time at cruising speed all engines operating.
  • Does not exceed the equivalent of two hour of flight time at cruising speed all engines operating.
  • Does not exceed the equivalent of one hour of flight time, at cruising speed with only one engine operative.

Question 16

The M.E.L. (Minimum Equipment List) is drawn up by :
  • the aircraft state of registry
  • the operator
  • the manufacturer
  • the aircraft manufacturer's list

Question 17

A category III B precision approach (CAT III B) is an approach which may be carried out with a runway visual range of at least :
  • 75 m
  • 150 m
  • 250 m
  • 200 m

Question 18

A category I precision approach (CAT I) has :
  • a decision height equal to at least 100 ft.
  • a decision height equal to at least 50 ft.
  • no decision height.
  • a decision height equal to at least 200 ft.

Question 19

When a LIGHT aircraft is landing behind a MEDIUM aircraft, the wake turbulence non-radar minimum time approach separation, according with DOC 4444 (ICAO), shall be :
  • 1 MIN
  • 2 MIN
  • 4 MIN
  • 3 MIN
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