
Follow the instruction. Answer the questions you know the answers to. DO NOT GUESS THE ANSWERS.
Oxford Tc  Ecuador
Quiz by Oxford Tc Ecuador, updated more than 1 year ago
Oxford Tc  Ecuador
Created by Oxford Tc Ecuador almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Complete the Conversation: A. Hi Sarah, [blank_start]______[blank_end] her name? B. [blank_start]______[blank_end] name is Diana.
  • what's
  • how's
  • where's
  • Your
  • His
  • Her

Question 2

Answer the Question: How old are you?
  • He's 24 years old.
  • I have 24 years old.
  • I'm 24 years old.

Question 3

Answer the Question What are you like?
  • I like Ice-cream.
  • I'm friendly and creative.
  • I am like friendly.

Question 4

Complete the Conversation: A. Is Brad Pitt [blank_start]____[blank_end] actor? B. Yes, [blank_start]______[blank_end].
  • a
  • an
  • he's
  • he is
  • she is
  • the

Question 5

Answer the Question: Excuse me, what are these in English?
  • It's a pencil.
  • They're pencils.
  • That is a pencils.

Question 6

Complete the Conversation: A. Do you like [blank_start]________[blank_end] friends? B. Yes, I do. I also [blank_start]________[blank_end] listening to music.
  • see
  • seeing
  • using
  • watch
  • like
  • hate

Question 7

Complete the Conversation: A. This is a picture of my brother Mark. B. [blank_start]______________________[blank_end]? A. He’s a chef.
  • How does he do?
  • What is he doing?
  • What does he do?

Question 8

Answer the question: What do you usually wear to work?
  • I wear usually jeans and a t-shirt.
  • I usually wear jeans and a t-shirt.
  • I usually use jeans and a t-shirt.

Question 9

Complete the sentences: Kate is a lawyer. She always [blank_start]_________[blank_end] to work early, but today she is sick and she [blank_start]_______[blank_end] at home.
  • go
  • goes
  • is going
  • rests
  • rest
  • is resting

Question 10

Complete the sentence: Her cellphone is a Nokia. Yours is an IPhone. Her cellphone is [blank_start]______[blank_end] than [blank_start]_______[blank_end].
  • cheaper
  • cheap
  • more cheap
  • your
  • you're
  • yours

Question 11

Complete the conversation: A. The party is tonight. [blank_start]___________[blank_end] wine did you order? B. Well, I have [blank_start]__________[blank_end] red wine in the kitchen, but there isn’t [blank_start]__________[blank_end] white wine.
  • How many
  • How much
  • many
  • some
  • a few
  • little
  • any
  • a

Question 12

Complete the conversation: A. Where were you last night? B. I [blank_start]_________[blank_end] at the library. Why? A. I saw the [blank_start]_________[blank_end] movie I’ve ever seen. It was [blank_start]_________[blank_end]than the one we [blank_start]________[blank_end] last week.
  • study
  • studied
  • was studying
  • good
  • better
  • best
  • best
  • better
  • good
  • see
  • was seeing
  • saw

Question 13

Complete the conversation: A. I’d like [blank_start]__________[blank_end] to the movies. B. I’d prefer [blank_start]_____________[blank_end] home. I don’t have [blank_start]_____________[blank_end] energy to move from this chair
  • going to
  • to go
  • to stay
  • to staying
  • too much
  • enough
  • go
  • stay
  • too many

Question 14

Complete the conversation: A. How long [blank_start]______________[blank_end] here? B. [blank_start]______________[blank_end] six years.
  • do you live
  • are you living
  • have you lived
  • For
  • Since
  • Ago

Question 15

Complete the conversation: A. Excuse me, you [blank_start]______________[blank_end] talk here. It’s a library. B. We’re sorry. [blank_start]_________________[blank_end] talk on the patio? A. Of course.
  • have to
  • aren't allowed to
  • can
  • Can we
  • Aren't we allowed to
  • Do we

Question 16

Complete the conversation: A. You know the Petersons, [blank_start]_____________[blank_end]? B. Yes, [blank_start]___________[blank_end] of them are great people. Why do you ask? A. I met them 15 years ago. I was working in New York [blank_start]_______________[blank_end]. I was new at the company, and they came up and introduced [blank_start]________________[blank_end]. B. That’s right. They worked in New York for a long time, [blank_start]_____________[blank_end]?
  • do you
  • aren't you
  • don't you
  • both
  • neither
  • either
  • nowadays
  • in those days
  • no longer
  • themself
  • themselves
  • theirselves
  • didn't you
  • did they
  • didn't they

Question 17

Complete the Conversation A. How long [blank_start]__________[blank_end] you [blank_start]__________[blank_end] French? B. I [blank_start]_____________[blank_end] it since I [blank_start]__________[blank_end] in France six years ago. I [blank_start]__________[blank_end] to many different schools. This one is the best I [blank_start]__________[blank_end].
  • are
  • do
  • have
  • studying
  • been studied
  • been studying
  • have been learning
  • am learning
  • was learning
  • am
  • was
  • have been
  • gone
  • have been
  • was
  • have found
  • find
  • could find

Question 18

Complete the text: [blank_start]____________[blank_end] how to act around people you love is very important. [blank_start]___________[blank_end] you are getting acquainted with someone, you should always listen more than you speak. [blank_start]__________[blank_end] you have gotten to know the person, you should continue to listen to him/her. Remember, [blank_start]_________[blank_end] most important thing is to listen. In all cases, [blank_start]_________[blank_end] love comes through listening.
  • To know
  • Knowing
  • After
  • When
  • After
  • When
  • the
  • (no article)
  • (no article)
  • the

Question 19

Complete the e-mail: Hi, Ken, Thank you for all your advice. I’ve decided not to quit school. I went to see Mr. Taylor. He advised [blank_start]_____________[blank_end] to college. He persuaded [blank_start]_________________[blank_end] five different application forms. It’s a lot of work. Since I don’t have a computer at home, he [blank_start]________________[blank_end] use his, but he [blank_start]____________________[blank_end] to stay in school. [blank_start]____________________[blank_end] these forms is tiring, but you and Mr. Taylor are right. I need a university degree. Thanks, Pam
  • that I go
  • me to go
  • me go
  • that I fill out
  • to fill out
  • me to fill out
  • let to me
  • let me
  • let me to
  • made me promise
  • made to me promise
  • made me to promise
  • Filling out
  • To fill out
  • Fill out

Question 20

Complete the Conversation A. I’m sure I’ll get a raise next month. If I [blank_start]_________[blank_end] that raise, I [blank_start]________[blank_end] a new car. B. If I were you, I [blank_start]________[blank_end] a vacation. A. I wish I [blank_start]________[blank_end] time. I can’t take any time off. Actually, I wish I [blank_start]________[blank_end] visit my mother.
  • get
  • got
  • would buy
  • buy
  • will buy
  • have gotten
  • take
  • 'd take
  • took
  • had
  • have
  • 'd have
  • can
  • could
  • caught

Question 21

Complete the Paragraph: When I was a teenager, I [blank_start]_______________[blank_end] out very late with my friends and I didn’t listen to my parents, so they [blank_start]_______________[blank_end] me to live with my grandparents. Things were very different there. First of all, they lived in the country and I [blank_start]_______________[blank_end] up so early to work around the house. I complained a lot and made my grandparents’ lives miserable, but I wish I [blank_start]_______________[blank_end] it. If only I [blank_start]_______________[blank_end] how wonderful that part of my life was.
  • was used to staying
  • had stayed
  • used to stay
  • used to send
  • sent
  • were used to sending
  • wasn’t used to getting
  • didn’t use to get
  • didn’t get
  • didn’t do
  • hadn’t done
  • wasn’t doing
  • realized
  • had realized
  • used to realize

Question 22

Complete the text: Jerry [blank_start]________________[blank_end] for the company for six years when they told him they no longer needed his services. He [blank_start]________________[blank_end] never [blank_start]________________[blank_end] a day of work and he couldn’t understand why they fired him. Unfortunately, he [blank_start]________________[blank_end] just [blank_start]________________[blank_end] a new car the week before he lost his job. If he [blank_start]________________[blank_end] what was going to happen, he [blank_start]________________[blank_end] the car.
  • had been working
  • have been working
  • was working
  • had
  • have
  • has
  • missed
  • miss
  • missing
  • 'd
  • 's
  • 'll
  • buy
  • bought
  • buying
  • had known
  • has known
  • have known
  • would have bought
  • wouldn't have bought
  • would have buy

Question 23

Complete the Conversation: A. You’ve stopped studying French, [blank_start]______________[blank_end]? B. Yeah, I’m going to France to take a summer course. You can learn a lot from [blank_start]______________[blank_end] in a foreign country. A. That’s true; [blank_start]______________[blank_end], I think you need to keep studying until you go. B. I would, but I prefer [blank_start]______________[blank_end] my money for the trip. A. Well, [blank_start]______________[blank_end] I agree with you about saving money, I still think you should continue studying.
  • didn’t you
  • haven’t you
  • have you
  • live
  • to live
  • living
  • in spite of
  • however
  • despite
  • save
  • to save
  • to saving
  • although
  • nevertheless
  • in spite of

Question 24

Complete the Text: I’m really looking forward to meeting you at the airport. I [blank_start]_________________[blank_end] at the exit when you leave customs. By then, you [blank_start]_________________[blank_end] for more than twelve hours, so you’ll be very tired. If you want, we can go directly to the hotel. I’m sure you [blank_start]_________________[blank_end] to rest for a while.
  • will stand
  • will be standing
  • will have been standing
  • will have been traveling
  • will be traveling
  • will travel
  • 'll want
  • want
  • wanted

Question 25

Complete the sentence: If I Einstein hadn't discovered nuclear fission...
  • ...atomic weapons wouldn't have been created.
  • ...atomic weapons hadn't been created.
  • ...atomic weapons wasn't created.

Question 26

Choose the correct answer A: How old are you? B: [blank_start].[blank_end]
  • I'm 24 years old.
  • I have 24 years old.
  • You're 24 years old.
  • You have 24 years old.
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