Possessive adjectives quick test


Remember to use possessive adjective + noun
Fernando Izquierdo
Quiz by Fernando Izquierdo, updated more than 1 year ago
Fernando Izquierdo
Created by Fernando Izquierdo about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

The possesive adjectives are used before a noun.
  • True
  • False

Question 2

I am new at this school, [blank_start]my[blank_end] old friends are in a different one, so I want to talk to [blank_start]their[blank_end] parents to see if they can enter into the new place. Except for Jhon, I like him but [blank_start]his[blank_end] dad is too scary, I don't want to see them around. Me and my friends made a vow when I left. [blank_start]Our[blank_end] friednship will last forever.
  • my
  • their
  • his
  • Our

Question 3

Possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns collocations are the same.
  • True
  • False

Question 4

Match the right possessive adjective with every personal pronoun: I [blank_start]My[blank_end] You [blank_start]Your[blank_end] He [blank_start]His[blank_end] she [blank_start]Her[blank_end] It [blank_start]Its[blank_end] We [blank_start]Our[blank_end] They [blank_start]Their[blank_end]
  • My
  • Your
  • His
  • Her
  • Its
  • Our
  • Their

Question 5

[blank_start]My[blank_end] hat, it has three corners. And had it not three corners, It would not be [blank_start]your[blank_end] hat. [blank_start]His[blank_end] hat, it has three corners. Three corners has [blank_start]her[blank_end] hat. And had they not three corners, They would not be [blank_start]their[blank_end] hats
  • My
  • Mine
  • I
  • you
  • your
  • yours
  • He is
  • He
  • His
  • Him
  • her
  • She
  • Shes
  • Hers
  • their
  • they
  • they are
  • theyre
  • theirs
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