The Endocrine System- glands


Mind Map on The endocrine system, created by Niamh O'Dowd on 14/10/2017.
Niamh O'Dowd
Mindmap von Niamh O'Dowd, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Niamh O'Dowd
Erstellt von Niamh O'Dowd vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

The Endocrine System- glands
  1. Pituitary, master gland
    1. Luteinising hormone
      1. Follicle stimulating hormone
        1. Growth hormone
          1. Cause body cells to absorb amino acids and form protein- results in growth especially elongation of bones
        2. Hypothalamus
          1. Secretes hormones that control the pituitary gland in response to messages from the brain and other hormones
            1. Anti diuretic hormone
              1. Causes water to be reabsorbed in the kidneys
          2. Pineal
            1. Melatonin
              1. Produced when we are asleep
                1. Involved in biological rhythms such as ovulation, sleep and activity patterns
            2. Thyroid
              1. Trachea
                1. Thyroxine (tyrosine+iodine)
                  1. Controls metabolism
              2. Parathyroid(4 glands)
                1. Parathormone
                  1. Stimulates the release of calcium from bones into blood plasma
                2. Thymus
                  1. Behind the breast bone and in the upper chest
                    1. Thymosin
                      1. Causes lymphocytes to mature and become active
                    2. Degenerate around puberty
                    3. Adrenals
                      1. Kidneys
                        1. Adrenaline
                          1. Helps the body cope with stress- 'fright/fight/flight' hormone
                      2. Pancreas
                        1. Both exocrine and endocrine gland
                          1. Exocrine Bulk of the pancreas produce enzymes that flow to the duodenum through ducts
                            1. Islets of langerhans
                              1. Insulin
                                1. Causes cells, muscle and fat cells, to absorb glucose from the blood
                          2. Ovaries and testes
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