

bacalaureat Oral Physiology Mindmap am Saliva, erstellt von Caroline Oxford am 27/05/2013.
Caroline Oxford
Mindmap von Caroline Oxford, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Caroline Oxford
Erstellt von Caroline Oxford vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Fluid found in mouth called 'Whole Saliva' Accounts for 90%, secreted from salivary glands
    1. Submadibular glands
      1. Secrete in floor of mouth at rest
        1. Secretes 2/3 of saliva. Provide a mix of saliva, mostly mucus
        2. Submandibular fossa
        3. Parotid Glands
          1. Secrete upper 6's, 50% when stimulated
            1. Purely Serous Saliva
            2. In front of Ramus
            3. Sub lingual glands
              1. Small amount of saliva produced
                1. Floor of mouth under tongue
                2. Minor Salivary glands
                  1. All over Mucosa
                    1. 1-2mm in diameter
                      1. Not encapsulated by connective tissue
                        1. May have own duct or share with neighbour
                      2. Mainly mucus secreting except 'Von Ebners Gland'
                        1. Von Ebners glands found Circumvallate papila on tounge, Break down lipids, serous fluid. Responsible for taste
                        2. Many functions, coating oral mucus etc.
                        3. Hypotonic, 99% water 1% salts
                          1. Produces 0.5-1.5 L a day
                            1. Parotid, when stimulated can produce 5 fold.
                          2. Hyposalivation-xerostomia
                            1. Sjogrens syndrome, autoimmune
                            2. Hypersalivation-Ptyalism
                              1. Neuromuscular disease
                              2. 80% made in Acinar Cells (Priamry Saliva)
                                1. Serous Cells produce a thin watery saliva, contains Amylase
                                  1. Mucous Cells produce thick Saliva rich in Mucins
                                2. Composition
                                  1. Contains electrolites, Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, Bicarbonate ions
                                    1. Sodium and Chloride get absorbed in ducts
                                      1. Potassium and bicarbonate ions are secreted
                                    2. Stimulation increases Bicarbonate ions, which lowers pH slightly
                                      1. Fluoride
                                        1. Thiocyanate
                                          1. antibacterial
                                          2. Lead, Copper
                                            1. Iodine
                                              1. Antioxidant, may help salivary gland diseases
                                            2. Functions of Saliva
                                              1. Mucins
                                                1. Lubricate food, protect teeth, antibacterial, lower pH
                                                2. Digestive Enzymes
                                                  1. Amylase (starch), Protase (Proteins) and Lipase (fats)
                                                  2. Secretory IgA
                                                    1. Antibody, helps with fungal,antiviral.
                                                    2. Bicarbonate and phosphate ions
                                                      1. Help buffering pH
                                                      2. Calcium and phosphate
                                                        1. Helps mineralise
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