
Mindmap am EUROPE COUNCIL, erstellt von camila luna am 21/11/2017.
camila luna
Mindmap von camila luna, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
camila luna
Erstellt von camila luna vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Concept of an intercultural approach to managing cultural diversity.
    1. Integration
      1. Intolerance
        1. ¿How avoid it?
          1. Social media and leaders
            1. Promotes tolerance, mutual understanding and respect
          2. Hate speech
            1. - Religion -State
              1. Political leaders
                1. ECRI
                  1. denid public finances that promotes racism
                  2. Good stances
                    1. Influence
                  3. Relations between
                    1. seeks to create legislation against discrimination
                      1. Intercultural dialoge
                        1. neutral and legal framework
                          1. promotes
                            1. 1.Respect 2.Democracy 3.Rule of law
                              1. Human Rights
                      2. Equal Rights
                        1. 1.
                        2. 1. Public authorities 2.Promote equality
                          1. to
                            1. minorities
                              1. mayorities
                                1. measures take conditions of people belonging minorities
                                  1. Europe Council
                                    1. FORUM
                                      1. anti discrimination campaign
                                        1. Cultural policies
                                        2. tease out human rights issues
                                          1. different opinions
                                            1. good policies
                                              1. Leaders.
                                          2. Integration
                                            1. -Encouraging participation -facilitates access
                                              1. ¿How?
                                                1. Sharing information
                                                  1. Minorities and mayorities makes framework of dialogue
                                2. denied public finances that promotes racism
                              2. Assist the development of national actions plans
                                1. study, implementation
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