Bladder Cancer


Mindmap am Bladder Cancer, erstellt von eslam ebrahim am 30/03/2018.
eslam ebrahim
Mindmap von eslam ebrahim, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
eslam ebrahim
Erstellt von eslam ebrahim vor etwa 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Bladder Cancer
  1. Anatomy of the bladder
      1. Blood Supply
        1. Histology
        2. Sign and symptoms
          1. Lower back pain on one side
            1. Loss of appetite and weight loss
              1. Being unable to urinate
                1. Swelling in the feet
                  1. Hematuria
                    1. Etiology
                      1. Urologic
                        1. Urolithiasis
                        2. Nephrological
                          1. GN, SLE
                          2. Hematological
                            1. DIC
                            2. Miscellaneous
                              1. Exercise
                            3. Diagnosis depends on
                              1. History
                                1. Description
                            4. Renal & UT Benign tumors
                              1. Benign cortical adenoma
                                1. Angiomyolipoma
                                2. Renal & UT malignant tumors
                                  1. Renal cell carcinoma
                                    1. Clear
                                      1. Chromophobe
                                          1. Nephroblastoma (Wilm’s)
                                            1. Blastema /stroma/ epthelial elements
                                            2. Transitional cell carcinoma
                                            3. Staging
                                              1. Risk Factors
                                                1. Personal or family history of cancer
                                                  1. Chronic bladder inflammation
                                                    1. Exposure to certain chemicals
                                                      1. Increasing age
                                                        1. Smoking
                                                        2. Investigations
                                                          1. Cytology
                                                            1. Culture sensitivity test
                                                              1. Prostate specific antigen
                                                                1. Imaging
                                                                  1. IVP
                                                                    1. Isotopic Bone Scan
                                                                  2. Schistosomiasis
                                                                    1. Management
                                                                      1. Superficial
                                                                        1. Endoscopic removal
                                                                        2. Invasive disease
                                                                          1. Cystectomy + Chemotherapy
                                                                          2. Metastatic disease
                                                                            1. Curative or palliative chemotherapy
                                                                            2. urinary diversion surgery
                                                                            3. Factors Affecting the prognosis
                                                                              1. The stage
                                                                                1. The size
                                                                                2. The type
                                                                                  1. age and general health.
                                                                                  2. Epidemiology
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