The Benefits of Green and Blacks as a MNC


Mindmap am The Benefits of Green and Blacks as a MNC, erstellt von Jess Free am 04/07/2013.
Jess Free
Mindmap von Jess Free, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Jess Free
Erstellt von Jess Free vor fast 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

The Benefits of Green and Blacks as a MNC
  1. An investment may lead to injection in local economy
    1. Benefits the local people in Belize and Dominican Republic as G&B are a fair trade company
      1. Farmers benefit from rises in cocoa prices + ensures they have security if market prices fall.
    2. The creation of jobs
      1. Benefits the local people
        1. The MNC
        2. Long term contract
          1. Benefits TCGA due to stability
          2. Education and Training
            1. Enables local people to plan for the future
              1. Benefits the host country due to higher trained staff
              2. New technologies such as fermentation and drying equipment
                1. Benefits the host country as things can be learnt from these
                2. Ethnic stance
                  1. Benefits the host country as they are getting a fair price for product and labour
                  2. Building new infrastructure
                    1. Benefits the host country as G&B created healthy, safe and hygienic work environment
                    2. G&B's human rights and core labour standards
                      1. Benefits the host as there is voluntary employment, freedom and equal job opportunites
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