Hamad At the Cooperative


Mindmap am Hamad At the Cooperative, erstellt von Dua Ga am 23/09/2018.
Dua Ga
Mindmap von Dua Ga, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Hamad At the Cooperative
  1. ECG
    1. 12 leads
      1. 3 limb leads
        1. 3 precordial
          1. 6 augmented
          2. Normal ECG
            1. Cardiac cycle
            2. Sick Sinus Sydrome
              1. Types
                1. • sinus bradycardia
                  1. • Sinus arrest
                    1. • Sinoatrial block
                      1. arrhythmia
                      2. Signs and symptoms
                        1. HR<60 BpM
                          1. Fatigue
                            1. arrhythmia
                              1. Sleep disturbance
                                1. confusion
                                2. Causes
                                  1. • Drugs
                                    1. Beta blockers
                                      1. Digoxin
                                      2. Radiation therapy
                                        1. Carditis
                                      3. Causes of syncope
                                        1. Hyperventilating
                                          1. Dehydration
                                            1. TIA
                                              1. Straining
                                                1. neurologic
                                                2. First Aid
                                                  1. What to do if someone collapses?
                                                    1. Check for danger
                                                      1. call help
                                                        1. Head tilt chin lift if no breathing
                                                          1. Call help & CPR if no breathing
                                                            1. Defibrillator
                                                    2. When to do CPR
                                                      1. unconscious+NO breathing
                                                        1. unconscious + breathing abnormal
                                                          1. Unconscious but breathing normal
                                                            1. recovery position
                                                          2. CPR physiology
                                                          3. Lab investigations
                                                            1. BMI
                                                              1. Glucose Range
                                                              2. Treatment
                                                                1. Drugs
                                                                  1. surgery
                                                                    1. pacemaker
                                                                      1. mechanism
                                                                        1. Benefits
                                                                          1. Regulates heart rhythm
                                                                            1. Eliminates symptoms of Bradycardia
                                                                            2. Risks
                                                                              1. Infection
                                                                                1. Sensitivity
                                                                          2. How to convince patients
                                                                            1. provide
                                                                              1. Knowledge
                                                                                1. Isight
                                                                                  1. Skills
                                                                                    1. Hard time
                                                                                  2. History taking
                                                                                    1. opening
                                                                                      1. Presenting complain
                                                                                        1. History of presenting complain
                                                                                          1. ICE
                                                                                            1. Past medical history
                                                                                              1. Drug history
                                                                                                1. Social history
                                                                                                  1. Summary
                                                                                                    1. Closing the consultation
                                                                                                      1. Thank the patient
                                                                                                      2. Check understanding
                                                                                                        1. Correct inaccurate info
                                                                                                        2. Smoking and alcohol
                                                                                                          1. Diet
                                                                                                          2. CVS medication
                                                                                                          3. CVS diseases
                                                                                                          4. Ideas, concerns, expectations
                                                                                                        3. Open question
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