1) International regulatory environments


Mindmap am 1) International regulatory environments, erstellt von littlepaz_2001 am 05/08/2013.
Mindmap von littlepaz_2001, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von littlepaz_2001 vor fast 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

1) International regulatory environments
  1. IAASB Clarity Project
    1. Improving the clarity & overall understandability.
      1. Consistent application of its ISAs
    2. Sarbanes - Oxley Act 2002
      1. Applies to all companies that are required to file accounts in the USA.
        1. AIM:- Oversee the auditors of public companies.
          1. PURPOSE:- Protect the interests of investors.
            1. POWERS:- Setting auditing, quality control, ethics, independence and other standards.
              1. Also has the authority to regulate the non audit services that audit firms can offer.
                1. Crriticised for not being strong enough, over-rigid, compliance industry irrespective of significance, distracted co's from improving information flows.
      2. Audit Commitees
        1. At least 3 independant non-executive directors.
          1. Roles & Responsibilities:-
            1. Monitor integrity of the financial statements.
              1. Review internal financial controls, internal control & risk management system.
                1. Monitor & review effectiveness of the internal audit function.
                  1. Make recommendations to the board, appointment, re-appointment, removal of auditors.
                    1. Review & monitor auditor's independence, objectivity & effectiveness of the audit process.
              2. Advantages:-
                1. Provides an independent point of reference.
                  1. Increased confidence in financial reports (Credibility & Objectivity)
                    1. Allow ex directors to concentrate on management.
                      1. Impartial body for auditors to consult.
                2. Disadvantages
                  1. Difficulty selecting NED's with the necessary competence.
                    1. More formalised less judgement more matters of fact.
                      1. Increased Costs.
            2. Money Laundering
              1. Process by which criminals attempt to conceal the true origin and ownership of the proceeds of their criminal activity, allowing them to maintain control over the proceeds.
                1. Placement:- of the illegal funds into the financial system.
                  1. Layering:- Large number of transactions, making it very difficult to trace.
                    1. Integration:- 'clean' money to spend.
                  2. Accountants Obligations
                    1. Keep records of clients identity.
                      1. Report suspicions to SOCA.
                        1. Gather KYC information, understand your client well enough to spot unusual business activity.
                    2. Offences
                      1. Concealing criminal property
                        1. Arranging
                          1. Failure to report
                            1. Tipping Off
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