Unhealthy Eating Habits


Mindmap am Unhealthy Eating Habits, erstellt von aa aa am 22/02/2019.
aa aa
Mindmap von aa aa, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
aa aa
Erstellt von aa aa vor etwa 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Unhealthy Eating Habits
  1. Patient's complaint
    1. Obesity
      1. An abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health.
        1. Causes
          1. Sedentary lifestyle
            1. eating disorders like binge eating
              1. Hypothalamic disorders
                1. Physiology of hunger and satiety
                  1. Neural control
                    1. Feeding centers
                      1. Lateral nucleus of hypothalamus
                        1. Dorso-medial nucleus of hypothalamus
                          1. Orexigenic substances from arcuate nucleus
                          2. Satiety centers
                            1. Vento-medial nucleus of hypothalamus
                              1. Paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus
                                1. POMC neurons of arcuate nucleus
                              2. Hormonal control
                                1. Most important are the ones in red
                            2. Genetic disorders
                              1. Syndromic form
                                1. Chromosomal rearrangements
                                  1. Pleiotropic
                                  2. Epigenetics
                                    1. Non-syndromic form
                                      1. Monogenic
                                        1. Polygenic
                                    2. Complications
                                        1. Hypertension
                                          1. Atherosclerosis
                                            1. Diabetes
                                              1. Cancer
                                              2. Psychosocial impact
                                                1. Eating disorders
                                                  1. Depression
                                                    1. Marital problems
                                                    2. Investigations
                                                      1. imaging
                                                        1. X-ray
                                                          1. Ultrasound
                                                          2. Blood tests
                                                          3. Management
                                                            1. Lifestyle modification
                                                              1. Pharmacological
                                                                1. non-selective 5-HT2 agonists
                                                                  1. Amphetamine mimetics
                                                                    1. Orlistat
                                                                      1. Lorcaserin
                                                                      2. Bariatric surgery
                                                                        1. Gastric banding
                                                                          1. Gastric bypass
                                                                            1. Sleeve gastrectomy
                                                                      3. Fatigue
                                                                        1. Causes
                                                                          1. Anemia
                                                                            1. respiratory problems
                                                                              1. Heart failure
                                                                            2. Sleep Apnea
                                                                              1. Can be
                                                                                1. Central sleep apnea
                                                                                  1. due to affection of breathing centers in the brain
                                                                                  2. Obstructive sleep apnea
                                                                                    1. due to an obstruction in the patient's airway while sleeping
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