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Theoretical and Methodological Considerations regarding the Evaluation of Intangible Assets
victor Alfonso Quintero Quintero
Mindmap von victor Alfonso Quintero Quintero, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
victor Alfonso Quintero Quintero
Erstellt von victor Alfonso Quintero Quintero vor etwa 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

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  1. Scientific Knowledge
    1. Intellectual capital and Human capital
    2. The technical-scientific experience
      1. Creativity and human effort
      2. Intangible assets
        1. Economic value
        2. Solid goodwill
          1. Future economic benefit
          2. Intellectual property
            1. Human intelligence
            2. The assets
              1. Patents, licenses and trademarks.
              2. Victor Alfonso Quintero Quintero_VNT_22
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