secondary sector


Mindmap am secondary sector, erstellt von JULIO GONZALEZ GUTIERREZ am 17/05/2019.
Mindmap von JULIO GONZALEZ GUTIERREZ, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von JULIO GONZALEZ GUTIERREZ vor etwa 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

secondary sector
  1. energy and raw materials
    1. raw materials
      1. plants and animals
        1. plant fibres
          1. linen
            1. cotton
              1. jute
              2. forest products
                1. wood
                  1. cork
                    1. cellulose
                      1. resin
                        1. rubber
                        2. animal fibres
                          1. wool
                            1. silk
                            2. food
                            3. minerals
                              1. metallic
                                1. copper
                                2. non-metallic
                                  1. clay
                                  2. for energy
                                    1. coal
                                3. energy
                                  1. renewable
                                    1. solar
                                      1. geothermal
                                        1. biomass
                                          1. wind
                                            1. tidal
                                              1. hydroelectric
                                              2. non-renewable
                                                1. coal
                                                  1. petroleum
                                                    1. natural gas
                                                      1. nuclear
                                                  2. industry
                                                    1. history
                                                      1. work by craftsmen
                                                        1. industrial revolution
                                                          1. Second industrial revolution
                                                          2. types
                                                            1. heavy industry
                                                              1. ferrous metallurgy
                                                                1. energy producers
                                                                  1. metallurgy
                                                                    1. heavy chemical
                                                                    2. capital goods industry
                                                                      1. metallurgical processing industry
                                                                        1. cargo transportation
                                                                          1. construction
                                                                            1. aerospace
                                                                            2. light industry
                                                                              1. light chemical
                                                                                1. electronics
                                                                                  1. food
                                                                                    1. other
                                                                                      1. automotive
                                                                                        1. textile and clothing
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