Intellectual development


Health & Social Care Mindmap am Intellectual development, erstellt von Charmed am 19/09/2013.
Mindmap von Charmed, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von Charmed vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Intellectual development
  1. Infancy
    1. ready to form relationships
      1. parents
        1. recognise mother
          1. sound
            1. appearence
          2. carers
            1. show interest in faces/voices
            2. language development
              1. 6-9 monts
                1. respond to vocal instructions
                  1. clap hands
                2. 1 year
                  1. babbling sounds
                    1. 3 words
                      1. use sounds /facial and eye movements to communicate
                      2. 2 years
                        1. couple of words together
                          1. "now play"
                      3. thinking/cognitive
                        1. mental patterns like sucking, crawling watching
                          1. later used to explore eg. sucking toys
                            1. develop understanding of objects
                              1. Tongue =sensory receptors= explore texture, shape, hardness etc.
                        2. sensori-motor
                          1. Dont understand mother exists if can see/smell etc
                            1. Pre-operational=pre-logical
                              1. Base thinking on -image/look
                                1. weight-large pile of feathers-heaveier-iron bar
                            2. (birth-2 years)
                            3. Adolescence
                              1. Concrete operational(7-12)
                                1. Work out problems logically, providing they have images/graphics or real life situations to assist them
                                2. (9-18)
                                  1. Formal operational (12+)
                                    1. imagine and plan future achievements&solve problems
                                      1. lack of experience->decision making
                                  2. Early Adulthood
                                    1. increase->intellectuality if...
                                      1. exercise skills
                                        1. oppertunities
                                        2. (18-45)
                                        3. Middle adulthood
                                          1. (46-65)
                                            1. slower- working out logical problems
                                              1. compensated by increased knowledge + years of experience= wise
                                            2. Later Adulthood
                                              1. stimulate mind+good health =develop knowledge+wisdom
                                                1. ill health may interfere with mental activities
                                                  1. poor oxidation of brain- respiratory&circulatory difficulties
                                                    1. may result in confusion, poor decision making, memory loss&difficulties solving problems
                                                    2. Main signs of dementia are:
                                                      1. difficulty in communication, expressing thoughts&understanding others
                                                        1. Reduced control -emotions
                                                          1. Difficulties recognising people, places&things
                                                            1. loss of memory
                                                              1. lack of awareness
                                                              2. Not all elderly have dementia but may show symptoms
                                                              3. causes of dementia may be:
                                                                1. Genetic inheritance
                                                                  1. environmental factors
                                                                    1. heavy smoking
                                                                      1. alcoholism
                                                                        1. Infections- HIV
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                                                                    ähnlicher Inhalt

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