5.8 Fishing


Issues associated with fishing
Mindmap von tchp, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von tchp vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

5.8 Fishing
  1. Fish farming
    1. Growing fish in enclosures
      1. Estuaries
        1. Lakes
          1. Ponds
            1. Reduces predation
              1. Add fertilisers to encourage growth of plankton for food
                1. Can lead to eutrophication
              2. Diseases can spread easily
                1. Huge amount of antibiotics used
                  1. Farmed fish may escape, breed with wild fish and weaken them
                  2. Fish contain high amounts of dioxins and PCBs
                  3. Commercial Fishing
                    1. Overfishing
                      1. Reduced fish stocks
                        1. Damages livelihoods of fishermen
                          1. Knock on effects to food chains
                            1. Fish quotas
                              1. Restrict mesh size in nets
                                1. International agreements
                                  1. Closed seasons
                                    1. Exclusion zones
                                    2. Drift nets


                                      • Suspending a net between two boats so fish swim into it.
                                      1. Trawling


                                        • Dragging a large net behind a boat, catching whatever is in the way.
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