Sudden Onset of Weakness


Mindmap am Sudden Onset of Weakness, erstellt von monii xy am 15/10/2020.
monii xy
Mindmap von monii xy, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
monii xy
Erstellt von monii xy vor mehr als 3 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Sudden Onset of Weakness
  1. physiology of cerebral blood flow
    1. myogenic regulation
      1. neurogenic regulation
        1. flow / metabolism neural coupling
        2. headaches
          1. primary
            1. cluster
              1. tension
                1. Migraine
                2. secondary
                  1. tumor
                    1. hematoma
                      1. Meningitis
                        1. post traumatic
                      2. facial nerve lesion
                        1. UMNL
                          1. lesion above the facial nuclei
                            1. it cause contralateral droop of the lower muscles of facial expression
                            2. LMNL
                              1. lesion below the facial nuclei
                                1. it cause paralysis in the upper and lower muscles of the facial expression in the same side
                              2. strokes
                                1. signs and symptoms
                                  1. NUMBNESS or weakness of face
                                    1. Sudden CONFUSION, trouble speaking
                                      1. dizziness
                                        1. HEADACHE
                                        2. Differential diagnosis
                                          1. intracranial hemorrhage
                                            1. transient ischemic attack
                                              1. seizure
                                              2. risk factors
                                                1. Modifiable
                                                  1. smoking
                                                    1. Diabetes
                                                      1. heart diseases
                                                      2. non-modifiable
                                                        1. age
                                                          1. sex
                                                            1. race
                                                          2. pathophysiology
                                                            1. ischemic
                                                              1. thrombic
                                                                1. embolic
                                                                  1. hypoxic stroke
                                                                  2. hemorrhagic
                                                                    1. intracranial
                                                                      1. Subarachnoid
                                                                        1. causes
                                                                          1. aneurysm
                                                                            1. AVM
                                                                              1. traumatic head injury
                                                                        2. Investigations
                                                                          1. CT
                                                                            1. MRI
                                                                              1. Angiography
                                                                              2. complications
                                                                                1. DVT
                                                                                  1. Depression
                                                                                    1. Chronic headaches
                                                                                      1. Dysphasia
                                                                                      2. Management
                                                                                        1. Rehabilitations
                                                                                          1. repetitive practice And to practice those skills impaired due to the stroke
                                                                                            1. SPEECH-LANGUAGE THERAPY
                                                                                              1. PHYSICAL THERAPY
                                                                                                1. PHYSICAL THERAPY OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY
                                                                                                  1. NEUROLOGICAL THERAPY
                                                                                                  2. Primary
                                                                                                    1. Determine whehter the lesion is ischemic or hemorrhagic
                                                                                                      1. ischemic
                                                                                                        1. IV tPA
                                                                                                          1. Aspirin
                                                                                                          2. hemorrhagic
                                                                                                            1. surgery
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