UNIT 2: Our World


(PART 2)
Mindmap von ttiwana99, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von ttiwana99 vor etwa 9 Jahre

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UNIT 2: Our World
  1. How should we care for the World?
    1. Islam
      1. Humans should act as KHALIFAHS or guardians of the planet
        1. "He has made you His ruling agents in the earth"
        2. It is so important that on the Day of Judgement, all Muslims will be called to account for how they have looked after Allah's creation
          1. The responsibility is binding on all Muslims (Ummah)
            1. They are expected to keep the delicate natural balance of the environment (FITRAH)
            2. Kindness to animals is very important
              1. Halal meat
              2. Avoid waste, respect the earth, care for animals
              3. Christian Stewardship
                1. In Genesis humans were given the responsibility of looking after the earth as STEWARDS (they look after it but do not own it)
                  1. "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden"
                    1. "You have dominion (care for) the fish of the sea"
                    2. The Earth does not belong to human beings but to God
                      1. We are temporary residents of the earth.
                        1. We have to pass it on to future generations
                        2. We have a responsibility to care for other human beings
                          1. "Love your neighbour as yourself"
                          2. Christians can eat any type of meat
                        3. How do Religious believers care for the world and for their environment?
                          1. The Assisi declaration
                            1. 29th September, 1986
                              1. Christian leaders joined leaders from the other five major world religions at the Worldwide Fund for Nature to declare their promise for conservation
                                1. Assisi was chosen in honour of St. Francis who is often known as the "green" saint for his love of all animals
                                2. Christian Aid, CAFOD and Tear Fund, are also charities which draw attention to the abuse of creation, especially in poorer countries of the world
                                  1. Chico Mendes
                                    1. Rubber tapper
                                      1. Lived in South American rainforest
                                      2. Chrisitian
                                        1. Protested against huge cattle companies cutting down the rainforest
                                          1. This was removing the trees/rubber/jobs for the rubber tappers and also the rainforest
                                          2. Cost other rubber tappers to join him in a Union to protest
                                            1. Protests so successful he was murdered by a cattle owner.
                                          3. What is the purpose of life?
                                            1. Christians believe it is to love and serve God and to teat all people as being made in the image of God (like God with an ability to think, intelligence, etc.
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