31. People Create Mental Models


People Create Mental Models
Brittany Scott
Mindmap von Brittany Scott, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Brittany Scott
Erstellt von Brittany Scott vor mehr als 3 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

31. People Create Mental Models
  1. What is a mental model?
    1. represents a person's thought process for how something works
      1. based off of incomplete facts
        1. past experiences
          1. intuitive perceptions
        2. Mental Models in Design
          1. representing something a person has in mind
            1. understand your target audience
              1. People make mental models fairly quickly
                1. people refer mental models to predict what a product/service/software will do or what they should do with it
              2. Ex. Imagine a cell phone. Your mental model may be:
                1. iPhone
                  1. Samsung Android
                    1. Flip phone
                    2. Takeaways
                      1. people will always have a mental model
                        1. mental models come from past experiences
                          1. not everyone has the same mental model
                            1. it's important to research your audience to understand their mental models
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