
Mindmap am NEUROPLASTICITY, erstellt von Juan david Funes am 14/01/2021.
Juan david Funes
Mindmap von Juan david Funes, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Juan david Funes
Erstellt von Juan david Funes vor mehr als 3 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Neuroplasticity Etymology
    1. Introduced by an italian psychiatrist by the name of Ernesto Lugaro in 1906
      1. Neuroplasticity was a way to describe how the brain can change throughout life to adapt learn and even recover from brain injury but this wasn't the first time
        1. Adapt
          1. Learn
            1. Recover
            2. Neuroplasticity was described you may be familiar with the famous experiment in 1904 conducted by a Russian psychologist Ivan Pavlov
              1. Pavlov experiment
            3. Neuroplasticity stands for...
              1. NEURO = Nervous System
                1. Neuroplasticity: A moldable brain
                2. PLASTICITY = plasto's = Moldable
                  1. Neuroplasticity also applies to physical skills
                    1. example:
                      1. The first time you try to ride a bicycle
                        1. The process of learning to ride a bike is a physical process and just like learning information it requires repetition and intensity
                      2. Neurological assessment
                        1. These are able to identify injured or simply inefficient networks in the brain then by introducing specific sensory information with repetitions and intensity over a five-day program, these have been able to increase function increase efficiency and literally rewire the brains of children, seniors people with neurological injuries and even high-performance athletes
                    2. Neuroplasticity and SLA
                      1. SLA
                        1. Second-language acquisition (SLA), is the process by which people learn a second language
                          1. INPUT
                            1. APPROPIATE STIMULI
                              1. Learners are language producing machines who look at correct models
                                1. IMITATE, PRACTICE, PRODUCE (behaviorism theory) INPUT + REINFORCEMENT= LEARNING
                              2. A TRIGGER
                                1. Sets off the internal earning processing
                                  1. INPUT+INTERNAL PROCESSING =LEARNING (mentalist theory)
                                2. SOCIAL INTERACTION
                                  1. Input is provided by social interaction
                                    1. INTERACTIVE INPUT+INTERNAL PROCESSING= LEARNING (interactionism theories)
                                3. OUTPUT
                                  1. Output serves as a mean to try out one’s language to test various hypothesis that are forming on the process.
                                4. Neuroplasticity
                                  1. The brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life. Neuroplasticity allows the neurons (nerve cells) in the brain to compensate for injury and disease and to adjust their activities in response to new situations or to changes in their environment.
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