Political Knowledge in America


Mindmap am Political Knowledge in America, erstellt von Yi Zheng am 04/09/2015.
Yi Zheng
Mindmap von Yi Zheng, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Yi Zheng
Erstellt von Yi Zheng vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Political Knowledge in America
  1. The operation of government
    1. Making sure that the government is taking into consideration what people have to say and think when enforing laws
      1. The policymaking system
        1. People shape policy
          1. policymaking institutions contributes to policy
            1. that our government responds and listens to the priorities of the people
            2. Policy impact people
          2. Present American situation about political knowledge
            1. The declined political engagement in college students
              1. Increasing age group that has political knowledge
                1. The majority of Americans believe that democracy is the best form of government
                2. Increasing voting age group
                3. political concepts
                  1. Who gets what, when and how?
                    1. Traditional democratic theory
                      1. Hyperpluralism
                        1. Groups are so strong that government is weakened
                        2. Elite and class Theory
                          1. Contend that societies are divided along class lines and that an upper class elite will rule , regardless of the formal niceties of governmental organization
                          2. Pluralist Theory
                            1. Groups with shared interests influence public policy by pressing their concerns through organized efforts
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