Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Mapa Mental Sonidos Verbos Regulares
en Pasado
- There are three posible pronunciations of this suffix according the letter that came before of -ed
- "ed"-/t/
- "ED" se pronuncia como una
"t" cuando vaya detras de
un sonido sordo, es decir,
un sonido con el que no nos
vibran las cuerdas vocales
- P,K, CH, SH, S,F H y O (este ultimo
sonido es de "z"
- 1. Washed -/wosht/ 2. Looked 3.
Helped 4. Stopped 5. Worked
- 1. I looked back at her 2. I helped her get
here 3. The oil is washed out
- "ed"-/d/
- "ED" se pronunciara como una /d/
tras sonidos sonoros, es decir,
sonidos con los que si vibran las
cuerdas vocales
- Vocales y consonantes: B,G,Z,V,M,N,L,R,W
- 1. Called 2. Cleaned 3. Grabbed 4. Loved 5. Listened
- 1. I called the police 2. I Loved it when I was
little 3. I need to get cleaned now
- "ed"-/id/
- "ED" se pronunciara /id/ (id) con
verbos que terminen en "T" o "D"
- 1. Decided 2. Appreciated 3. Started
4. Wanted 5. Needed
- 1. I wanted a car five month ago 2.The
INS decided that Elijah should be with
his father 3. She started to study with
Jordan and Asher