Memory- Accuracy of eyewitness testimony: Misleading information


Mindmap am Memory- Accuracy of eyewitness testimony: Misleading information, erstellt von dont need to know am 12/01/2016.
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Memory- Accuracy of eyewitness testimony: Misleading information
  1. Stages of eyewitness memory :
    1. Eyewitness testimony is the information in which a witness of an event provides evidence in court
      1. 1:Witness encodes details of the event and people involved into their LTM (Encoding may be partial & distorted, particularly if the event happened quickly, at night or involved violence
        1. The Witness retains information for a period of time (Memories may be lost or modified during retention- most forgetting takes place within the first few minutes and other activities may interfere with the memory between encoding & retrieval
          1. The witness retrieves the memory from storage (the presence/absence of retrieval cues, or nature of questioning may affect accuracy of recall)
      2. Leading question is a question asked that suggests to the witness what answer is desired or leads them to the desired answer
        1. Post-event discussion
          1. Conversions between co-witnesses or interviewer and the eyewitness after a crime which can potentially shape the witness' memory of the event
            1. Conformity effect : Is when co-witnesses of an event discuss what has happened in the event and come to an overall consensus on what happened in the event
              1. Fiona Gabbert & Colleagues (2003) invested pt.s in pairs were each pt.s watched a different video on a same event, viewing unique items. Pairs in 1 condition were encouraged to discuss the event. 71% of witnesses who discussed the event went on to recall items from the discussion
              2. Repeat Interviewing : Is information said from an interviewer that shapes the witnesses recollection of events .
                1. La Rooy et al. (2005) Used leading questions in which alters individuals memory for events especially when children are involved
            2. Loftus & Palmer (1974) carried out 2 studies (First whether a car hit another car (verb manipulated) (Second whether a car crash involved glass or not)
              1. Results Under


                • jj
                1. Experiment 1 : 45
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