feminism and culture


Mindmap am feminism and culture, erstellt von sophieastone am 30/01/2014.
Mindmap von sophieastone, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von sophieastone vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

feminism and culture
  1. see society as patriarchal system- dominant by men
    1. male power operates all key institutions
    2. structural perspective
      1. men dominate social structure
        1. life chances, behaviour and experiences of men and women
      2. small scale interaction
        1. how womens views differ from mens.
          1. ann oakley looked at how womens meaning and feelings towards child birth differed from mens
        2. three feminist approaches
          1. marxist feminism
            1. takes marxist approach to feminism. women are exploited between work and women
              1. and radial feminists challenge the way society is orgqansied and seek social change
              2. radical feminism
                1. focuses on patriachial system where males dominate every area of society
                2. liberal feminism
                  1. group of feminists who want to make sure women have the same oppertunities as men.
                    1. accept the system but wants to make sure women have equal oppertunity in that system.
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