The Necklace


Mindmap am The Necklace, erstellt von larissa larissa am 11/05/2016.
larissa larissa
Mindmap von larissa larissa, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
larissa larissa
Erstellt von larissa larissa vor fast 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

The Necklace
  1. The parisian society was based on three classes
    1. the very rich- bourgoise, the middle class, the working class, the lower middle class
      1. also based on appearances
      2. Madam Loisel
        1. is irritated by husband
          1. pretty,delightful, no dowry
            1. dressed simply ,unhappy
              1. potential for ''natural guile'',''instinctive elegance'', and adaptability
                1. ''angry, tortured''-effect of unhappiness
                  1. thankful for necklace ''kissed her extravagantly''
                    1. ''elegant,graceful, radiant,wonderfully happy.'' ''danced wildly''
                      1. ''battling, hard, uncouth housewife"
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