Desktop Publishing Mindmap


Chapter 11
Henry Lane
Mindmap von Henry Lane, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Henry Lane
Erstellt von Henry Lane vor fast 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Desktop Publishing Mindmap
  1. Desktop publishing (DTP) software is used to create documents containing mixtures of texts and graphics.
    1. Changes can be made to the style of a document
      1. Font size, style and type
        1. Line spacing
          1. Page size and orientation
            1. Watermarks
              1. Page justification- left, right, centre, full
              2. Documents can be checked using a spellchecker or words can be looked up using an online thesaurus
                1. Files have different file types
                  1. Mail merge allows a standard letter to be linked to a database for personalised mail shots to be created
                    1. Objects or pages
                      1. Graphics can be manipulated using:
                        1. Resizing
                          1. Cropping
                            1. Rotating
                              1. Flipping (reflecting)
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                              ähnlicher Inhalt

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