Chapter 1: Making Sense of Material Culture


Chapter 1 Mind Map
Tetyana Zhyvotovska
Mindmap von Tetyana Zhyvotovska, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Tetyana Zhyvotovska
Erstellt von Tetyana Zhyvotovska vor etwa 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Chapter 1: Making Sense of Material Culture
  1. Defining Material Culture


    • material culture p. 16 objects and artifacts p.16 culture p.17
    1. Model for the Study of Material Culture
      1. Sherlock Holmes
        1. The Blue Carbuncle
          1. semiotic analysis
          2. On the Nature of Theory
            1. Definition of Theory
            2. Nietzche and Perspectivism
              1. a perspectivist approach
              2. The Rashomon Problem
                1. What do we do when theorists from different disciplines disagree about how to interpret an artifact or object?
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