Regulation of Water Balance ( Osmolarity )


Mindmap am Regulation of Water Balance ( Osmolarity ), erstellt von Zulhilmi Zainal am 13/03/2014.
Zulhilmi Zainal
Mindmap von Zulhilmi Zainal, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Zulhilmi Zainal
Erstellt von Zulhilmi Zainal vor etwa 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Regulation of Water Balance ( Osmolarity )
  1. normal
    1. osmolarity (285-300 mOsm/L) of ECF
      1. blood pressure of 120/80 mmHg
        1. Na+ content is NOT EQUAL to osmolarity. E.g. intravenous drip (isotonic saline)  ↑ Na+ content, but no change in osmolarity, so ECF volume ↑, but no change in ICF volume
        2. Regulation of (a) blood osmolarity and (b) blood pressure
          1. hypovolaemia and hypervolaemia
            1. Regulatory components of ECF volume and osmolarity
              1. Regulation of water intake
                1. Locations of water reabsorption
                  1. Factors that maintain body water balance
                    1. production of concentrated urine
                      1. hyperosmotic urine
                        1. there is LESS water in urine
                        2. systems that generate the medullary osmotic gradient
                          1. The countercurrent multiplier system
                            1. The urea recycling
                              1. The countercurrent exchanger system
                              2. Free-water clearance (CH2O)
                                1. ability to concentrate or dilute urine
                                  1. CH2O = V – Cosm
                                    1. CH2O = free-water clearance (mL/min)
                                      1. V = urine flow rate (mL/min)
                                        1. Cosm = osmolar clearance (UosmV/Posm) mL/min
                                        2. When CH2O is zero
                                          1. Urine is isoosmotic to plasma
                                            1. loop diuretic
                                            2. When CH2O is positive
                                              1. hypoosomotic to plasma (low ADH).
                                                1. high water intake
                                                  1. central diabetes insipidus
                                                    1. nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
                                                    2. When CH2O is negative:
                                                      1. Urine that is hyperosmotic to plasma (high ADH).
                                                        1. water deprivation
                                                          1. SIADH.
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