The Post Stalin Thaw & Peaceful Coexistence


Mindmap am The Post Stalin Thaw & Peaceful Coexistence, erstellt von liam'laser'collingbo am 02/05/2013.
Mindmap von liam'laser'collingbo, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von liam'laser'collingbo vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

The Post Stalin Thaw & Peaceful Coexistence
  1. Stalin
    1. Died: March 1953
    2. De-Stalinisation


      • Politburo endorsed collective leadership, (Malenkov, Molotov, Bulganin, Kruschev)
      1. Ending 'Personality Cult' Policies
        1. Reforming secret police (KGB)
          1. Arresting and executing Beria (1953)
            1. New economic policy, focus on consumer goods.
              1. KRUSCHEV'S SECRET SPEECH 1956


                • High point of De-stalinisation, denounced Stalin for six hours, USA saw it as real change happening in USSR
              2. Kruschev
                  1. Clear Leader by 1958
                    1. Move towards Peaceful Coexistence
                      1. Malenkov called for a 'New Couse'
                        1. War not inevitable, so could devote resources to raising living standards
                          1. Kruschev opposed, but adopted policy under 'Peaceful Coexistence'
                            1. Kruschev confident USSR economic output would soon overtake West
                        2. By the end of the 40s, both sides had consolidated respective spheres in Europe
                          1. Enter text here
                          2. End of Korean War - 1953
                            1. Cuts in Red Army
                              1. Austrian State Treaty - 1955
                                1. Soviet Withdrawal from Finland - 1956
                              2. Internal Threats
                                1. Berlin Rising - June 1953
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