Child Beauty Pageant


Mindmap am Child Beauty Pageant, erstellt von Datcainy Maniam am 26/03/2014.
Datcainy Maniam
Mindmap von Datcainy Maniam, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Datcainy Maniam
Erstellt von Datcainy Maniam vor etwa 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Child Beauty Pageant
  1. HOW
    1. Affects Child Development
      1. - External versus Internal Beauty
        1. Emotional Problems
          1. Financial Strain
            1. Sexualization
          2. WHY
            1. Good
              1. Public Speaking
                1. Improved self esteem
                  1. Confidence
                  2. Bad
                    1. Age - Too young
                      1. Chemical contaminated cosmetic products
                        1. Pressure on Children
                      2. WHERE
                        1. Banned
                          1. France
                          2. Legal
                            1. United States of America
                          3. WHO
                            1. Outcome
                            2. WHAT
                              1. Beauty contest featuring contestants from the age of 3 to 18
                                1. Two System
                                  1. GLITZ
                                    1. NATURAL
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