of mice and men history


Mindmap am of mice and men history, erstellt von anya14 am 17/04/2014.
Mindmap von anya14, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von anya14 vor etwa 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

of mice and men history
  1. 1920 - economy was fab
    1. lots of jobs avaliable
      1. people could afford
        1. high standard of living
        2. 1929 went bust
          1. American stock markets crashed
          2. 1930 economic depression
            1. unemployment
              1. banks collapsing
              2. life of a travelling farm worker
                1. farmers could afford to keep land
                  1. lots jobs
                  2. dust bowl
                    1. land was not fertile
                    2. took temp jobs and moved on when work finsihed
                      1. lots of workers migrated to California hoping for work
                      2. 1920+30 rise of hollywood
                        1. films starts became famous and world known e.g Charlie chaplin
                          1. made a lot of money and glamorous life
                          2. 1930 racist
                            1. segregation
                            2. American dream
                              1. john steinback
                                1. worked on ranch while in uni
                                  1. lived in California (soledad is in cali)
                                  2. great depression
                                    1. farmers forced to leave
                                      1. had to borrow money from bank
                                        1. farm land went like a desert = dust bowl
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