
Mindmap am FRACTURE IN THE ARM, erstellt von rand firas am 18/02/2017.
rand firas
Mindmap von rand firas, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
rand firas
Erstellt von rand firas vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

    1. Muscles
      1. Anterior
        1. Biceps
          1. Brachialis
            1. Coracobrachialis
            2. Posterior
              1. Triceps
            3. Arteries
              1. Brachial
                1. Profunda brachii
                  1. Nutrient
                    1. Skeletal
                      1. Inferior and superior collaterals
                    2. Nerves
                      1. Musculoskeletal
                        1. Median
                          1. Radial
                            1. Ulnar
                          2. RISK FACTORS
                            1. Repetitive motion
                              1. Awkward position
                                1. Lack of recovery time
                                  1. Forceful movement
                                    1. Contact stress
                                    2. PAIN
                                      1. Reasons
                                        1. Noniceptive
                                          1. Pathological
                                            1. Inflammatory
                                            2. Types
                                              1. Chronic
                                                1. Acute
                                                2. An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage.
                                                3. INJURIES
                                                  1. Direct
                                                    1. Indirect
                                                      1. Nerve injury
                                                      2. FRACTURES
                                                        1. Break in the continuity of the bone
                                                          1. Types
                                                            1. Etiologically
                                                              1. Trauma
                                                                1. Pathological
                                                                  1. Stress
                                                                  2. Displacement
                                                                    1. Displaced
                                                                      1. Undisplaced
                                                                      2. Pattern
                                                                        1. Transverse
                                                                          1. Spiral
                                                                            1. Oblique
                                                                              1. Comminuted
                                                                                1. Segmented
                                                                                  1. Compression
                                                                                    1. Greenstick
                                                                                    2. Relationship with environment
                                                                                      1. Open
                                                                                        1. Closed
                                                                                      2. Mechanisms
                                                                                        1. Trauma
                                                                                          1. Repetitive stress
                                                                                            1. Abnormal weakening of bones
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