Machine Learning


University Artificial Intelligence Mindmap am Machine Learning, erstellt von Voon Shun Jie am 04/06/2017.
Voon Shun Jie
Mindmap von Voon Shun Jie, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Voon Shun Jie
Erstellt von Voon Shun Jie vor etwa 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Machine Learning
  1. Semi-automated extraction of knowledge from data
    1. Supervised Learning
      1. Predictive learning
        1. Classification
          1. SVM / NN / Decision Tree
            1. Finite set of label
            2. Regression
              1. Target variable is continuous
                1. No emphasis on using probability to provide interpretable relationship between predictor & target
                  1. OLSR / MARS / Linear Regression
                2. Unsupervised Learning
                  1. Extract structure from data
                    1. Clustering
                      1. Given a set of data points
                        1. each having a set of attributes
                          1. a similarity measure
                            1. Find cluster
                          2. Reinforcement Learning
                            1. sequence
                              1. reward
                                1. predict
                                2. Instance-based
                                  1. Similarity measure
                                    1. match
                                      1. predict
                                        1. kNN algorithm
                                        2. Association rule
                                          1. dependency rule
                                            1. predict occurance of item based on other
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