A Streetcar Named Desire notes


Notiz am A Streetcar Named Desire notes, erstellt von Nicole Silva Martins am 16/01/2018.
Nicole Silva Martins
Notiz von Nicole Silva Martins, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Nicole Silva Martins
Erstellt von Nicole Silva Martins vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Seite 1

CHARACTERISATION BLANCHE: Described in intricate detail in the opening scene - her clothes as well as the impression she gives of delicacy and vulnerability. Her appearance becomes more clear as the play goes on - slim figure, delicate face, fading beauty= described in stage directions and audience gathers more info via comments from other charcters. Williams emphasises on her class snobbery in opening scene (dismisses Eunice's company & black neighbour's kindness) & is then seen again in final scene - rudely dismisses Eunice's gift of grapes (concern over cleanliness). Heavy drinker - craving for alcohol due to her guilt for her husband's suicide & her promiscuity; offers her temporary amnesia & reassurance

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