Mood Influences the Decision-Making Process


Notiz am Mood Influences the Decision-Making Process, erstellt von Priscilla Kay am 04/09/2018.
Priscilla Kay
Notiz von Priscilla Kay, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Priscilla Kay
Erstellt von Priscilla Kay vor mehr als 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Seite 1

Mood and How People React

Some people make their decisions intuitively while others make more deliberate ones.

The estimated value will be higher when people are in their "natural" mood.

If you find out someones natural mood, then you can influence their decisions. 

Seite 2

Influencing Moods

You can influence people's mood.

If people are in a good mood, they will hold items/opinions in a higher value

If people are in a bad mood, they will hold items/opinions in a lower value.

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