Cultural Nationalism


Notiz am Cultural Nationalism, erstellt von Caroline Allen am 17/12/2013.
Caroline Allen
Notiz von Caroline Allen, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Caroline Allen
Erstellt von Caroline Allen vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Seite 1

What did one or more of the following contribute to the cultural revivals of the period  1870-1914: the GAA; the Gaelic League; W. B. Yeats?

Which organisation was more effective, the GAA or the Gaelic League? Argue your   case, referring to both.

What did Douglas Hyde and/or W.B. Yeats contribute to cultural life in Ireland?

What did one or more of the following contribute to cultural revival during the   period 1870-1914: the GAA; the Gaelic League; the Anglo-Irish Literary Revival?

How did one or more of the following provoke controversy: the GAA;   the Suffrage movement; the Anglo-Irish Literary Revival?

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