Factors that caused Venice to rise - created from Mind Map


Notiz am Factors that caused Venice to rise - created from Mind Map, erstellt von Charis Oh am 25/04/2014.
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Seite 1

leadership Doge Pietro II Orseolo Doge Enrico Dandolo Capable leader Felt that peace with boost trades - Reconciled feuding cities, negotiated treaties with major power, subdue pirates building of the venetian empire Directed the forth crusade (military campain to free jerusalem from muslim control) Caused uprisin and overthrown the byzantine emperor and take oer the capital at constantinople Enter text here

Reforms in government

Reforms the governmentAdapted their system of government to meet demand

Leaderships Doge Pietrol II ordeolo Doge Enrico Dandolo Doge pietro ziani Establishing control In the Adriatic sea Capable leader Felt a need for peace in order to boost trade Feuding cities Negotiated treaties with major powers Subdue the pirates Building the netian empire Directed the Forth crusade (military campaign to free jerusalem from muslim control Overthrown the Byzantine emperor and over took the captol Succeeded Doge Enrico Dandolo Marks the beginning of Venice's growth as a maritime empire Increase trade competition

Factors that caused Venice to rise

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