
TOEIC PART 6 TRAINING QUIZ Quiz am TOEIC PART 6 MINI QUIZ JIN#016, erstellt von Anahyse France am 25/08/2020.
Anahyse France
Quiz von Anahyse France, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Anahyse France
Erstellt von Anahyse France vor fast 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

"Letter: Larry Mills, 226 Highland River Fairbank WA238 Dear Mr. Mills, I am writing in response to the complaint received about the noise coming from the surrounding businesses around the apartment complex. [1] a few people living on the west wing of the building [2] concern over the noise levels. The building committee conducted a meeting to discuss these issues and we have talked to the businesses involved. [3]. Because of this, we are also looking into fortifying the windows with soundproof glass for the residents living in the west wing. Once we have agreed upon a proposal we will post an announcement on the bulletin board, and you may thereafter receive a call. Until then, we ask for your [4] patience while we work to resolve this matter. Yours Sincerely Ms. Jones"
  • [1] a result
  • [1] Moreover
  • [1] On the other hand
  • [1] Unfortunately

Frage 2

"Letter: Larry Mills, 226 Highland River Fairbank WA238 Dear Mr. Mills, I am writing in response to the complaint received about the noise coming from the surrounding businesses around the apartment complex. [1] a few people living on the west wing of the building [2] concern over the noise levels. The building committee conducted a meeting to discuss these issues and we have talked to the businesses involved. [3]. Because of this, we are also looking into fortifying the windows with soundproof glass for the residents living in the west wing. Once we have agreed upon a proposal we will post an announcement on the bulletin board, and you may thereafter receive a call. Until then, we ask for your [4] patience while we work to resolve this matter. Yours Sincerely Ms. Jones"
  • [2] is expressing
  • [2] have expressed
  • [2] expressions
  • [2] be expressive

Frage 3

"Letter: Larry Mills, 226 Highland River Fairbank WA238 Dear Mr. Mills, I am writing in response to the complaint received about the noise coming from the surrounding businesses around the apartment complex. [1] a few people living on the west wing of the building [2] concern over the noise levels. The building committee conducted a meeting to discuss these issues and we have talked to the businesses involved. [3]. Because of this, we are also looking into fortifying the windows with soundproof glass for the residents living in the west wing. Once we have agreed upon a proposal we will post an announcement on the bulletin board, and you may thereafter receive a call. Until then, we ask for your [4] patience while we work to resolve this matter. Yours Sincerely Ms. Jones"
  • [3] However, we accept that some noise is inevitable in the neighbourhood.
  • [3] They will fully cooperate with the businesses.
  • [3] They have responded to our concerns and will work to keep noise levels high.
  • [3] However, they are losing money over this matter.

Frage 4

"Letter: Larry Mills, 226 Highland River Fairbank WA238 Dear Mr. Mills, I am writing in response to the complaint received about the noise coming from the surrounding businesses around the apartment complex. [1] a few people living on the west wing of the building [2] concern over the noise levels. The building committee conducted a meeting to discuss these issues and we have talked to the businesses involved. [3]. Because of this, we are also looking into fortifying the windows with soundproof glass for the residents living in the west wing. Once we have agreed upon a proposal we will post an announcement on the bulletin board, and you may thereafter receive a call. Until then, we ask for your [4] patience while we work to resolve this matter. Yours Sincerely Ms. Jones"
  • [4] continue
  • [4] continues
  • [4] continued
  • [4] be continuing
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