Materials Development for Language Tearning and Teaching Quiz


In the following Quiz, you are going to find ten Questions related to the text "Materials development for language learning and teaching" written by Brian Tomlinson. Each question has the own way of answering, some of them are through multiple choise, checkboxes, true or false and fill the blanks. You must take the test and do each one in the way they are presented
Sebastian Nizo
Quiz von Sebastian Nizo, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Sebastian Nizo
Erstellt von Sebastian Nizo vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

What type of materials are possible to create through materials development?

Frage 2

Who provided a very detailed checklist of evaluation criteria ‘for evaluating teaching material’?

Frage 3

the introduction to [blank_start]English Access Teacher’s Resource 1[blank_end]says that the pedagogic framework ‘begins with the [blank_start]receptive skills[blank_end] to tap students’ prior knowledge and to trigger connections with their world view. The teacher then supports and provides [blank_start]scaffolding[blank_end] for the students to put their [blank_start]productive skills[blank_end] to use, working slowly in groups towards independent work’
  • English Access Teacher’s Resource 1
  • receptive skills
  • scaffolding
  • productive skills

Frage 4

There have also been a number of studies of [blank_start]teacher attitudes[blank_end] towards their coursebooks which suggest that how they use their [blank_start]coursebook[blank_end] depends both on their experience and their view of the coursebook’s value in their [blank_start]teaching context[blank_end].
  • teacher attitudes
  • coursebook
  • teaching context

Frage 5

Tomlinson in 2003 differentiates between universal and local criteria, the former being those that can be used to evaluate materials for any learner anywhere.
  • True
  • False

Frage 6

Tomlinson & Nunan in 2004 aimed ‘to help teachers to follow learning approaches upon their colleagues' practices and identify mistakes and problems for materials adaptation'
  • True
  • False

Frage 7

[blank_start]Teachers[blank_end] also seem to be more constructively critical of their coursebooks and to be more willing, confident and able to localise and personalise their [blank_start]coursebooks[blank_end] for their learners. This is especially so in regions where teachers have been trained as materials developers, either on teacher [blank_start]development[blank_end] courses or on national or institutional materials development [blank_start]projects[blank_end].
  • Teachers
  • coursebooks
  • development
  • projects

Frage 8

[blank_start]Tomlinson[blank_end] said the following quotte: "What I know is that teachers will continue to develop [blank_start]positively[blank_end] as a result of their involvement in materials development, whether as course [blank_start]participants[blank_end], members of project teams or adapters of materials in their [blank_start]classrooms[blank_end]."
  • Tomlinson
  • positively
  • participants
  • classrooms

Frage 9

For this question, please select the two correct answers: Most publishers are understandably anxious to avoid giving offence and often supply their authors with lists of taboo topics, as well as guidelines on how to avoid:

Frage 10

For this question, please select the two correct answers: What is the ‘Angloglobalisation’ about, according to Gray?
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