Holy Week


Karteikarten am Holy Week, erstellt von Thomas Feeney am 28/03/2018.
Thomas  Feeney
Karteikarten von Thomas Feeney, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Thomas  Feeney
Erstellt von Thomas Feeney vor etwa 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

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Holy Week You will find out everything about Holy Week on the following flashcards...
What is Palm Sunday? Palm Sunday is a day to remember Jesus' triumphant march into Jerusalem as people threw coats and palms for his donkey to walk over (equivalent to a red carpet nowadays).
How is Palm Sunday Celebrated in the Modern Day? Palm Sunday is commemorated by adults and children alike making palm crosses or other religious objects to symbolize and re-imagine Jesus' ride into Jerusalem.
What is Maundy Thursday? Maundy Thursday is the when Christians remember The Last Supper. This was when Jesus met with his 12 disciples for a supper where he explained that one of them would betray him.
How is Maundy Thursday Celebrated in Today's Society? On Maundy Thursday, some Christians celebrate by recreating the Last Supper in their Church.
Good Friday Good Friday is the day when Jesus was crucified on the Cross by the will of the Roman people. This is usually not celebrated and, instead, mourned.
Some Good Friday Celebrations. Even though Good Friday is a day of mourning, some Christians fast themselves as a reminder of what Jesus did for them. Whether this can be called a Celebration or not is debatable.
Easter Saturday. Easter Saturday is usually a time of remembrance, as most Catholics hold a candlelight vigil to 'continue Jesus' work of building God's kingdom.
Easter Sunday! Easter Sunday is, arguably, the biggest day of the Holy Week as it symbolizes the resurrection of Christ.
How Christians celebrate Easter Sunday. Easter Sunday is celebrated eating chocolate 'Easter eggs' (a symbol of new life) but the biggest celebrations happen in Church where Christians celebrate the resurrection of Christ.
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