falls risk


Karteikarten am falls risk, erstellt von Elizabeth Then am 13/06/2018.
Elizabeth Then
Karteikarten von Elizabeth Then, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Elizabeth Then
Erstellt von Elizabeth Then vor fast 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
falls risk standard 10 on safety and quality improvement guide
falls injury risk assessment designed to identify falls history, risk factors, falling, injury. Form assists with development and documentation of a falls prevention care plan, recording of consumer engagement, referrals, reassessments and discharge planning
falls injury risk review designed to record frequent review of the care plan, and actions taken for consumer who has risk factors that can be rapidly changing, e.g. delirium.
preoperative falls prevention screening tools, history, standardised, evidence-based, communication tool, risk factors, physical, social, psychological risks, comorbidities, medications
falls risk assessment medical history, surgical history, medications, physical assessment
intraoperative falls prevention independent, protective reflexes, vulnerable and trusting, documentation, handover, patient positioning, surgical impact, transfer safety
postoperative fall prevention status change, screening, assessment, orientation/disorientation
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