Module 2.4 Cell to Organism


Karteikarten am Module 2.4 Cell to Organism, erstellt von Mariam Al-hujaimi am 10/02/2019.
Mariam Al-hujaimi
Karteikarten von Mariam Al-hujaimi, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Mariam Al-hujaimi
Erstellt von Mariam Al-hujaimi vor etwa 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Cell To Organism By: Mariam Alhujaimi
What are tissues? They are similar specialized cells working together to complete a specific task
What are Organs? They are structures that contain at least two different types of tissue working together to complete a task
What do Organ Systems have? They have two or more different organs that work together
What are the four types of tissues in the human body?
What does the respiratory system do? It gets oxygen from the air into your body and gets rid of waste carbon dioxide
What does the skeletal system do?
What does the excretory system do? It gets rid of wastes from the body
What does the nervous system do? It sends messages from your sense organs to the brain and from the brain to other parts of the body including the muscles
What does the reproductive system do? It creates and transports the specialized cells necessary for reproduction (for females it it provides structures and nutrients for the development and birth of a baby)
What does Vascular tissue do? It allows materials to be transported around plants
What are Xylem cells?
What does Phloem do? It carries glucose from the leaves to all other plant parts
What is the difference between Xylem and Phloem?
What is photosynthesis? It is the process by which plants make glucose
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