Digi Tech


Karteikarten am Digi Tech, erstellt von Claire Holland am 24/06/2019.
Claire Holland
Karteikarten von Claire Holland, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Claire Holland
Erstellt von Claire Holland vor fast 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What is Digital Technology? Enter text here...
Do you know this logo? Enter text here...
Enter text here... Enter text here...
Enter text here... Enter text here...
You can search for almost anything ...... You ________ it!! Enter text here...
I need to learn how to do something, I can watch others do it by searching on ....... Enter text here...
I can take photos and short videos adding frames and filters on to them before posting them to my friends.... What app am I? Snapchat!
What are you thoughts on social media? Enter text here...
Which social media network has 500 million daily active users? Twitter Facebook Instagram Enter text here...
From what you already know which digital device have you used the most, explain your answer! Enter text here...
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