HF Exam Review 3


Clinical Presentation of HF
Sam Adeyiga
Karteikarten von Sam Adeyiga, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Sam Adeyiga
Erstellt von Sam Adeyiga vor mehr als 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What are the factors affecting SV? Preload Contractility (inotropic) Afterload
List clinical presentation of HF 1. Preload overshoot 2. Heart unable to eject increased blood volume 3. Pulmonary and systemic congestion as a result of failing ventricle
When the left ventricle is failing, --------- occurs? pulmonary congestion = Edema
When the right ventricle is failing, -------- occurs? systemic congestion
1. When norepinephrine binds to alpha 1 receptors, what happens? 2. When norepinephrine binds to Beta 1 receptors, what happens? 3. When norepinephrine binds to Beta 2 receptors, what happens? 1. Smooth mm contraction 2. causes increase in HR 3. Smooth mm relaxation
PSN releases -------, which ------ HR by ------ permeability of the pacemaker cells in the ------ and ----- nodes Ach., decreases, increasing, SA and AV node.
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