River investigation


Karteikarten am River investigation, erstellt von Isabel Ffranciso am 28/11/2019.
Isabel Ffranciso
Karteikarten von Isabel Ffranciso, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Isabel Ffranciso
Erstellt von Isabel Ffranciso vor mehr als 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
RIVER INVESTIGATION SOCIAL SCIENCE PROJECT In this project you will invesigate about a river from its source to its mouth.
TASKS 1. Choose a river from the link below. 2. Include the info you are required. 3. Find out more about the countries this river flows through. 4. Display all your information in a cardboard. 5. You can make a power point presentation.
ORAL PRESENTATION 1. Prepare your exposition. 2. Practice at home. 3. Ask for help. 4. Have fun.
DEADLINE Works will be exposed from 10th December on.
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