

Karteikarten am Untitled, erstellt von kmp130 am 13/10/2013.
Karteikarten von kmp130, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von kmp130 vor mehr als 10 Jahre

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The 14th Amendment: A) Define citizenship to include African Americans and extended equal protection and due process of the law to them. It also took away confederate debts and did not allow confederates to hold office until congress removed the provision by a 2/3 vote. B) Ratified in 1868 C) The amendment showed that the Bill of Rights applies to not only the state, but the national government as well. It also was a major stepping-stone in the equal rights movement that shaped the United States today.
The 15th Amendment: A) This amendment prohibited the restriction of voting on the bases of race. B) Ratified in 1870 C) Although this amendment was made, people still tried to stop African American’s from voting by means of poll taxes, literacy test, and the grandfather clause.
Poll Tax: A) A tax the has to be given and paid for before one can vote B) 1890 C) Limited African Americans from voting because they could not afford to pay the fees.
Plessy vs. Ferguson: A) This was a case against Homer Plessy because he sat on the white only part of the train and was arrested in the state of Louisiana. The final decision stated that it was not unconstitutional for Louisiana to arrest him based on their racial segregation law. B) 1896 C) This case set a standard in American that segregation was constitution as long as the facilities for African American’s were “equal” to those of whites.
Chinese Exclusion Act: A) Barred Entry of Chinese Laborers for a period of ten years and prohibited all Chinese Immigrants from becoming United States citizens. B) 1882 C) Although the United States barred Chinese Immigration, it did not send back the immigrants who have already came to America. It also allowed Chinese visitors, merchants, clergy, diplomats, teachers, and students who could help America succeed in a cultural and economic aspect.
The Parable of the Lobster and the Squid: A) This is an image described by Theodor Dreiser that describes a lobster attacking a squid. At first, the squid escapes the lobster with only tiny pieces of it’s body snapped off, but eventually the squid is cut in half and devoured by the lobster. Dreiser then states, “Men live on Men”. B) 1912 C) This image described the monopolies that were taking shape in America. It described how big business took over labor workers and treated them very unfairly for their own personal gain.
Political Deal that ended the Contested Presidential Election of 1876: A) In the election, Tilden won the popular vote, but in the final electoral vote Hayes won. In the end, Rutherford B. Hayes won the presidential election. B) 1876 C) House and Senate created a fifteen man Electoral Commission in order to solve the problem. The Electoral Commission was made up of five senators, five house members, and five Supreme Court justices.
Share Cropping: A) land was rented out to people who could not afford to buy it. The farmer worked the land, harvested the crop, and sold their crop in order to pay back the person who loaned them the land and tools they needed to raise a crop. If the farmer came up with a profit in the end, they were lucky, but that did not happen very often. Often the sharecropper would have debt peonage, which meant that they had a debt that carried them on to the next year. B) 1865-1880 C) In the 1900s, 50 percent of African American’s in the United States had turned to sharecropping. Sharecropping was especially straining on African American’s because they often were charged unfair prices and paid low salaries. This left most of them with debt peonage acting as a burden.
Limited Liability Corporation: A) allowed investor’s to give money without the fear of going bankrupt. The investors would not lose more than they invested in the corporation. The corporations were considered their own “person” therefore protected by the law. B) 1877-1900 C) Provided an incentive for people to take risk in investment and changed the way US ran corporations.
Progressivism: A) An era where Americans strived to grow as a country. The physical and cultural disease spread by outside immigrants concerned progressives. America. B) 1890-1920 C) Progressive’s barred the entry of immigrants to the United States and continued to segregate African Americans.
Coolie Labor A) Indian or Chinese laborer hired locally or shipped abroad to work. B) 18th Century and 19th century C) American Diplomats and Slaveholders were very Anti-Coolie because they wanted to preserve other forms of labor and viewed coolies as a new form of enslavement.
William Seward’s Proposals for US world greatness: A) Believed in Imperialism for two reasons: Economic and Geopolitical. He pushed for a transcontinental railroad, transpacific steamship lines, and the building of a canal across Central America. Seward also saw importance in setting up navel bases in the island perimeter of Cuba, the Caribbean, Puerto Rico, Santa Domingo, and the Virgin Islands. B) Sec. of State from 1861 to 1869 C) His idea provided the framework idea for the Panama Canal, which provided American with a short cut to the Pacific Ocean
James Blaine’s Proposals for US expansion abroad: A) His beliefs were similar to Seward, but he focused on the Caribbean and South America. He believed that since the US bought most of its fruit, sugar, minerals, and coffee from Latin America, they should return the favor. B) Sec of State 1889-1892 C) Seward set up bilateral trading agreements between US and Latin America by threatening to stop buying goods from them unless they reciprocate.
The four functional groups that pressed for US expansion abroad: A) The four functional groups were: Secretaries of State: Described above Missionaries: Christianization and Westernization were tied hand in hand. Used Westernizing as an advantage to spread religion. Navy Lobby: Were scared for futures, wanted the navy to build more ships and have more navy bases. Merchant Capitalist/Financial Adventures B) Late 19th century C) Businesses would benefit from having more Naval Bases and supported the idea, which brought about the “Sea-Power Theory”.
The Alliance System: A) Two Alliances: #1: Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy #2: France, Russia, and England B) 1870; or 1907-1914 C) With such strong alliances, many enemies where made between each alliance. When an argument was made between two countries, the allying country would back up either side. This lead to American involvement in order to ensure the world a peaceful place.
The New Imperialism: A) Advanced countries divided up most of the earth among themselves. B) 1870-1900 C) This was important because countries set up things like mines, plants, docks, warehouses, factories, refineries, railroads, steamships, and banks in the places that they would take over. This turned the taken over countries’ local people turn into wageworkers. The battle for lands caused tensions that started the world war.
Total War: A) This was World War 1. This war was a byproduct of industrialization and a war that mobilized colonized people on behalf of the colonies. This war caused many deaths of soldiers and civilians B) 1914-1918 C) First war that involved such modern weaponry. Also the first war that involved the mass killing of innocent citizens.
Grandfather’s Clause: A) was aimed to stop blacks from voting. It stated that those who gained suffrage before 1866-1867 could vote without poll tax, property requirements, and literacy test. B) 1895-1910 C) This clause was create strategically because African American’s had not gained the right to vote until the 15th amendment in 1870. Therefore they had to pay the tax and take the test, which they would surely fail. This kept African Americans from voting.
“The Girls with the Yellow Hands”: A) Has to do with World War 1 mutations on Factory Girls. The women working in the factories would have yellow hands and faces due to TNT poisoning. B) 1914 C) Gave women a great sense of nationalism
The Johnson-Reed Act: A) Also called the Immigration Act of 1924, it further restricted the immigration into the US to 150,000 people. B) 1924 C) This Act significantly dropped the number of immigrants to America by about 15 percent of the average annual immigration of 1 million people before world war one.
Trench Warfare: A) Soldiers would build “gutters” to hide and battle in for sometimes weeks at a time. This provided them with a camouflage and hiding space. B) 1914-1918 C) Changed the way wars were fought because soldiers could not have sneak attacks.
Spanish-American-Cuban-Filipina War: A) War where US decided to take over and imperialize Cuba because they saw Spain struggling. Argument was that Spaniards blew up a US battleship and they fought to gain Cuba. B) 1898 C) First serious active step to becoming an imperial empire
The Sea-Power Theory of National Greatness: A) In order for a country to succeed, they needed a large navy. With a Large Navy, US could then open up trade routes to the places they desired. The Naval Appropriations Bill was passed, which protected US foreign trade and helped secure friendly relations with our countries (Korea, Hawaii, Haiti). B) 1890 C) Allowed for international trade, created a battleship navy and established ports in new areas.
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