Aggression- PSYA3


A2 psychology Psychology Karteikarten am Aggression- PSYA3 , erstellt von sjheelboy97 am 29/05/2015.
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Social psychological approach Social learning theory BANDURA Aggressive behavior is learned through direct experience or by observing others
Social Psychological Approach BANDURA social learning theory What are the 2 ways of learning aggression? 1) Learning by direct experience- if an action is reinforced ans is likely to occur again 2) Learning by reinforcement- sees role model behaving in a certain way and reproduces that behavior
What are the main methods of SLT? 1) attention- can only learn if they concentrate 2) Retention- needs to be remembered 3) Production- need to be able to reproduce behavior 4) Motivation- individual expects to receive positive reinforcement for the modeled behavior
who are the most prominent source of modelling behavior? Family Members
KEY STUDY- BOBO DOLL observing children aggressive and non aggressive behavior 2 groups- 1 observing an aggressive adult and 1 not children taken in a room with bobo doll aggressive group acted more aggressive to the doll
Evaluation of SLT Homicide rates increase after a boxing match Practical applications- children in aggressive families more likely to be aggressive BOBO doll lacks ecological validity- child's toy made to be hit
Social psychological approach De-individualtion To loose sense of identity People act more aggressive in groups than they would on their own Become faceless and anonymous
What 2 situations can de-individuation occur? 1) Becoming part of a crowd 2) Identifying with a particular role (often aided by wearing a mask or uniform)
Research of de-individuation Zimbardo Female undergrad students 2 groups- 1 wore bulky lab coats and hoods that hid faces group 2 given large name tags and introduced by name Both groups could see participants being shocked Hooded group shocked participant for twice as long
Evaluation of de-individuation Adolescents more comfortable seeking mental health advice anonymously online Handball teams more aggressive when wearing matching kits Violence in N.Ireland out of 500 attacks 206 were carried out anonymously Demand characteristics in research Gender Bias- males & females DO NOT respond in the same way- males more prone to losing inhibitions
Social Psychological Approaches Institutional Agression Acts of institutional aggression range from physical abuse to acts designed to destroy a national, racial or religious group
Social Psychological Approaches Institutional Aggression Interpersonal factors- IRWIN & CRESSEY Claim that prisoners bring their own social history and traits into prison They are not blank slates and many normative systems developed on the outside would be brought into prison
Social Psychological Approaches Institutional Aggression Situational Factors- Deprivation Model The model argues prisoner aggression is the product of the stressful and oppressive conditions of the institution These factors include crowding, assumed increase of fear & frustration levels and staff experience
Social Psychological Approaches Institutional Aggression ZIMBARDO PRISON EXPERIMENT Called off after 6 days Prison guards took on role with no instructions and abused 'prisoners'
Social Psychological Approaches Institutional Aggression Evaluation Research Support for deprivation model- lack of privacy, overcrowding & lack of meaningful activity in prison influenced in interpersonal violence Real life implications for running prisons Zimbardos experiment s artificial Participant relativity bias- guards and prisoners may have been playing a role
Biological explanations of aggression Neurotransmitters Natural Mechanisms that are most associated with aggressive behavior
Biological explanations of aggression What 2 neurotransmitters are thought to be important in the control of aggressive behavior? Dopamine Serotonin
Biological explanations of aggression Serotonin- Mann 35 participants- gave drug to lower serotonin used a questionnaire to assess hostility and aggression increase of aggression in men NOT women
Biological explanations of aggression Dopamine- Lavine Anti psychotics which reduce dopamine activity in the brain have shown to reduce agressie behaviour
Biological explanations of aggression Evaluation of Neurotransmitters Research Support Examined neurotransmitter levels in anti-social children & adults, the studies constantly found low levels of serotonin in aggressive individuals
Biological explanations of aggression Evaluation of Neurotransmitters Support from non human studies importance of serotonin in monkeys, fed food with a drug that increased serotonin and saw a decrease in aggression
Biological explanations of aggression Evaluation of Neurotransmitters Reductionist link between neurotransmitters and aggression NOT clear cannot put down complex human behavior to one factor
Biological explanations of aggression Hormones Regulate and control bodily functions e.g. aggression
Biological explanations of aggression Testosterone thought to act in areas of the brain which control aggression from young adulthood
Biological explanations of aggression what is thought to be the primary biochemical influence on aggression Testosterone
Biological explanations of aggression Hormones- Testosterone DEBBS Testosterone levels in saliva were able to differentiate between violent and non violent criminals
Biological explanations of aggression Hormones- Testosterone LINDMAN Aggressive behavior in drunk males positively correlated with testosterone levels
Biological explanations of aggression Hormones- Testosterone Evaluation Reductionist link between aggression and hormones not clear complex human behavior cannot be put down to one factor
Biological explanations of aggression Hormones- Testosterone Evaluation Gender Bias Studies mainly carried out on males, especially those in the prison population- cannot genralise
Biological explanations of aggression Hormones- Testosterone Evaluation Cultural Bias Carried out in western society
what kind of research are testosterone studies? Correlation
Biological explanations of aggression- genetic factors Twin Studies Compares similarity of MZ and DZ twins for traits of aggression found aggressive behavior highly correlated more in MZ than DZ twins
Biological explanations of aggression- genetic factors Twin studies What was the concordance rate for MZ twins? 87%
Biological explanations of aggression- genetic factors Twin studies What was the concordance rate for DZ twins? 72%
Biological explanations of aggression- genetic factors Adoption Studies 14,000 adoptions in Denmark Positive correlation between criminal violence of biological parents and number of criminal violence among their adopted sons
Biological explanations of aggression- genetic factors Evaluation Nature v's Nurture Genetic factors count for 40% of individual differences in aggression
Biological explanations of aggression- genetic factors Evaluation Reductionist Link between aggression and genetics not clear complex human behavior cannot be put down to one factor
Biological explanations of aggression- genetic factors Evaluation Sampling convictions for violent crimes are rare so only represent a small minority
Evolutionary explanations of aggression Why has aggressive behavior developed? an adaptive response to prevent people from leaving
Evolutionary explanations of aggression why do males experience sexual jealousy? aggressive adaptive behavior to prevent a female from leaving
Evolutionary explanations of aggression infidelity & jealousy men have adapted retention techniques to keep hold of partners
Evolutionary explanations of aggression infidelity & jealousy What are examples of mate retention techniques? snooping preventing partner from talking to other males emotional/physical abuse
Evolutionary explanations of aggression Cuckoldory female tricks male into thinking a child is theirs
Evolutionary explanations of aggression How does cuckoldry effect males? loose chance to produce offspring to pass on genes
Evolutionary explanations of aggression What are sexual coercive tactics? Partner rape to make sure child is theirs
Evolutionary explanations of aggression cuckoldry & sexual jealousy CAMILLER sexual assault of female by male partner was directly linked to perceived risk of infidelity
Evolutionary explanations of aggression Evaluation Research support mate retention men who suspected their wives were having an affair over the next year gave greater punishment for known or expected infidelity than those who did not anticipate future infidelities
Evolutionary explanations of aggression Evaluation Limitation of correlation does not infer cause and effect
Evolutionary explanations of group displays of aggression Sports events- Xenophobia documented in almost every group of animals that display higher forms of social organisation
Evolutionary explanations of group displays of aggression Sports events- Xenophobia What does natural selection favor? genes that cause human beings to be accepting of own groups but intolerant towards outsiders.
Evolutionary explanations of group displays of aggression Sports events- Xenophobia What is Xenophobia linked to? Nationalism/racism
Evolutionary explanations of group displays of aggression Sports events- Xenophobia EVANS & ROWE 40 football matches all in Europe more aggression when their was a national game English clubs ethnically diverse less likely to invoke an xenophobic response
Evolutionary explanations of group displays of aggression Sports events- Xenophobia Evaluation Real world application Power of xenophobic violence has encouraged football clubs to take steps to minimize influence German football teams wore shirts that said ' a foreigner is my friend'
Evolutionary explanations of group displays of aggression Sports events- Xenophobia Evaluation Research Support link between xenophobic behavior and violent displays among football crowds Racist conduct of extremist led to an increase of spectators violence in general
Evolutionary explanations of group displays of aggression Sports events- Xenophobia Evaluation MARSH Being a football hooligan gives working class males achieve a sense of personal worth in eyes of peers Group displays of aggression part of an alternative career structure for working class males
Evolutionary explanations of aggression group displays- Warfare TRIVERS Men go to war and believe they will gain from it in the future- so women will choose them
Evolutionary explanations of aggression group displays- Warfare KELLY & DUNBAR Bravest men were better hunters higher social status, so mate would also have a high social status
Evolutionary explanations of aggression group displays- Warfare STEAMS females choose mates that are brave so offspring will have 'courageous genes'
Evolutionary explanations of aggression group displays- Warfare how could choosing a 'brave' mate be harmful for the female? they may die/get killed and leave the female behind with no support
Evolutionary explanations of aggression group displays- Warfare Evaluation Face Validity concept of sexual selection- female chooses strongest mate
Evolutionary explanations of aggression group displays- Warfare Evaluation KELLY & DUNBAR Bravery is rewarded same among all cultures group displays in humans are innate and determined by genes
what are the social psychological explanations of aggression? social learning theory de individuation institutional aggression
what are the biological explanations of aggression? neural & hormonal genetics
evolutionary explanations of aggression? jealousy infidelity
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