Two Letter Hebrew Words


For reading practice. The point here is not really to memorize the meaning of the words, but to get the wounds.
Jay Vilnai
Karteikarten von Jay Vilnai, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Jay Vilnai
Erstellt von Jay Vilnai vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
בר BAR (bar)
בד BAD (cloth)
כד KAD (pitcher)
כי KI (because)
או O (or)
אי EE (island)
אז AZ (then)
נר NER (candle)
בן BEN (son)
כן KEN (yes)
הר HAR (mountain)
הד HED (echo)
די DAY (enough)
הי HAY (hi)
מי MI (who)
מה MA (what)
מר MAR (mister / bitter)
מד MAD (meter)
מו MU (cow sound)
את ET (direct object word. no English equivalent)
זו ZO (this, that (f))
זה ZE (this, that (m))
אם IM (if) or EM (mother)
חי CHAI (alive)
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