non + preposition


Karteikarten am non + preposition, erstellt von Manuel L am 16/02/2021.
Manuel L
Karteikarten von Manuel L, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Manuel L
Erstellt von Manuel L vor mehr als 3 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
advantage... ...of She's so trusting that it would be easy for people to take advantage of her
attitude... /toward we don't have the same attitude to/toward animals
faith... he doesn't have enough faith in his own ability
increase... The police have reported a sharp increase in crimes involving identity theft
intention... ...of I have absolutely no intention of resigning
lack... ...of The lack of water is becoming a very serious problem in some countries
need... ...for There is an urgent need for qualified teachers to work in developing nations
protest... ...against they've organized a protest against the new law
reason... ...for the reason for the delay was the late arrival of the incoming flight
report... ... on/about My boss has asked me to write a report on/about the new computer system
reputation... ...for The new managing director has a reputation for being completely ruthless
solution... there doesn't seem to be an easy solution to the problem
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