Would you rather...?


Review and warm-up
Maria Isabel Torres
Karteikarten von Maria Isabel Torres, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Maria Isabel Torres
Erstellt von Maria Isabel Torres vor mehr als 2 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Would you rather...? have to eat raisins every day or eat peas?
Would you rather...? walk around with a hole in your pants or with a broken zipper?
Would you rather...? eat a salad or liver?
Would you rather...? have lunch with the president or a famous singer?
Would you rather...? wear gloves or a hat in the winter?
Would you rather...? have the ability to read minds or be invisible?
Would you rather...? spend the day at the amusement park or the mall?
Would you rather...? be able to control animals or be able to see into the future?
Would you rather...? be a genius and know everything or be amazing at any activity you tried?
Would you rather...? Would you rather be the richest person in the world or be immortal?
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